Tag Archives: ramin setoodeh

Newsweek’s Hayes Hater Gets a Promotion

After Newsweek’s Ramin Setoodeh slammed several openly gay actors — and earned stinging rebukes from Kristin Chenoweth and Sean Hayes — some called for the newsmagazine to fire the writer. Instead, he’s gotten the equivalent of a promotion: Setoodeh will leave the struggling Newsweek to become a senior writer on People’s news and human-interest team, it was announced today. Yes, that’s in addition to the offer extended to Setoodeh to visit the Glee set and, uh, “learn about diversity.” Some self-hating gays have all the luck! [ NY Observer ]

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Newsweek’s Hayes Hater Gets a Promotion

‘Glee’ Star Matthew Morrison Doesn’t Want To Bash Newsweek Writer

‘I think we should be kind of teaching him,’ actor says of writer who criticized gay actors. By Jocelyn Vena Matthew Morrison Photo: MTV News There has been much debate since Newsweek ‘s website posted a column in which Ramin Setoodeh argues that openly gay actors can’t play straight well. It has caused an uproar in the gay community, as well as with the cast and crew of “Glee,” since the article calls out actor Jonathan Groff for not being convincingly straight as Jesse St. James on the show. “Glee” star Matthew Morrison spoke to MTV News about the controversy. “I think [show creator] Ryan Murphy kind of summed it up best,” Morrison told MTV News on Monday at the Fox upfront presentation . “He actually invited the writer to come hang out with him and the writing team on ‘Glee,’ and I think that’s a great approach.” Morrison said that while it’s easy to criticize Setoodeh, who is gay himself, he likes Murphy’s approach of trying to change his mind about the matter. “Because everyone’s kind of bashing this guy, and I think we should be kind of teaching him,” Morrison explained. “So, I think that’s what Ryan, his goal was, by doing that.” At the junket for “Sex and the City 2,” openly gay actress Cynthia Nixon said she wanted to ask the writer why he said the things he did in the article. “I think it’s horrible. I think it’s so horrible,” she told MTV News. “And I think it’s really, really, really terrific that there has been such an enormous response and so much back-and-forth and discussion about it and people trying to explain to this gentleman why they’re so upset about what he wrote.” What would you ask Ramin Setoodeh if you had the chance? Discuss in the comments below. For young Hollywood news, fashion and “Twilight” updates around the clock, visit HollywoodCrush.MTV.com .

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‘Glee’ Star Matthew Morrison Doesn’t Want To Bash Newsweek Writer

‘Sex And The City 2’ Star Cynthia Nixon Calls Newsweek Article ‘Cruel’

‘I think it’s so horrible,’ ‘Sex and the City’ star says of article that claims gay actors can’t play straight roles. By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Josh Horowitz Cynthia Nixon Photo: MTV News There has been much debate over a recent Newsweek article in which the author attempts to make the case that gay actors can’t play straight. In it, he uses Sean Hayes, star of “Promises, Promises” on Broadway, and “Glee” actor Jonathan Groff as examples of gay actors who didn’t leave him convinced they could act straight in their roles. The article has caused everyone from Kristin Chenoweth , who has worked on both projects, to “Glee” creator Ryan Murphy to speak out on the subject. Even the article’s author, Ramin Setoodeh, who is gay himself, has responded, in an attempt to defend his argument . Now, “Sex and the City 2” star Cynthia Nixon, who came out and began dating her partner, Christine Marinoni, in 2004, is also commenting on the article, noting that it was a “cruel” blanket statement to make about gay actors. “I think it’s horrible. I think it’s so horrible, and I think it’s really, really, really terrific that there has been such an enormous response and so much back-and-forth and discussion about it and people trying to explain to this gentleman why they’re so upset about what he wrote,” she told MTV News. “I just feel like it’s hard enough to encourage people to come out of the closet, like it’s not going to damage their careers. And when you have someone who is so … it’s not even like he’s negative, he’s making fun of people in a really cruel way. I think it’s really set us back 10 years.”

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‘Sex And The City 2’ Star Cynthia Nixon Calls Newsweek Article ‘Cruel’

Ryan Murphy Demands an Apology From Newsweek, Urges Readers to Boycott

Add Glee creator Ryan Murphy to the laundry list of people offended by Ramin Setoodeh’s Newsweek editorial, in which the author proclaimed that gay actors cannot convincingly portray straight characters. Murphy released a scathing open letter to Newsweek last night, in which he scolded the publication for not issuing an apology to readers, suggested a full-on Newsweek boycott and invited Setoodeh to the set of Glee for a sing-along of Madonna’s “Open Your Heart.” Click through for the full letter.

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Ryan Murphy Demands an Apology From Newsweek, Urges Readers to Boycott

Glee Creator Urges: Boycott Newsweek!

In last week’s edition of Newsweek , Ramin Setoodeh wrote an article that made one controversial statement and asked one controversial question: First, he said, gay actors cannot pull of straight roles. Then, he asked: Why is there no A-list gay movie star? Kristin Chenoweth fired back at the essay, citing Setoodeh’s examples of failed straight roles (e.g. Cynthia Nixon as Miranda in Sex and the City ) as “sloppy,” and referring to the entire piece as “bigoted and factually inaccurate.” Now, Glee creator Ryan Murphy has taken his critique of the article even further: he’s written an open letter, asking everyone to boycott Newsweek. In it, he says: This article is as misguided as it is shocking and hurtful. It shocks me because Mr. Setoodeh is himself gay. But what is the most shocking of all is that Newsweek went ahead and published such a blatantly homophobic article in the first place…and has remained silent in the face of ongoing (and justified) criticism. Would the magazine have published an article where the author makes a thesis statement that minority actors should only be allowed and encouraged to play domestics? I think not. Today, I have asked GLAAD president Jarrett Barrios to stand with me and others and ask for an immediate boycott of Newsweek magazine until an apology is issued to Sean Hayes and other brave out actors who were cruelly singled out in this damaging, needlessly cruel, and mind-blowingly bigoted piece. An apology should also be issued to all gay readers of the magazine…steelworkers, parents, accountants, doctors, etc…proud hardworking Americans who, if this article is to be believed, should only identify themselves as “queeny” people (a word used by Setoodeh in the article) who stand at the back of the bus and embrace an outdated decades old stereotype. Give me a call, Ramin… I’d love to hear from you. I’ll even give you a free copy of our Madonna CD, on which we cover “Open Your Heart,” a song you should play in your house and car on repeat. Our take on Setoodeh’s viewpoint? Putting aside homophobic rhetoric and anythong of that nature, it’s simply incorrect. Off the top of our heads, we can come up with numerous gay actors that are widely accepted in straight roles (Nixon, Neil Patrick Harris on How I Met Your Mother, Cherry Jones on 24 , Lily Tomlin on Damages ). It’s difficult to make a serious point of any kind when your thesis is misguided. What do you think about gay actors in straight roles? Do you have any problem taking them seriously?

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Glee Creator Urges: Boycott Newsweek!

Kristin Chenoweth’s Newsweek Archenemy Attempts to Explain Himself

Last week, Kristin Chenoweth spectacularly took to task Newsweek’s Ramin Setoodeh for his editorial about how openly gay actors aren’t convincing when they play straight (and before that , how openly gay actors aren’t even helpful when they play gay). Today, Setoodeh has emerged to explain himself. “Over the weekend, I became the subject of a lot of vicious attacks,” he wrote today. “I received e-mails that said I will be fired, anonymous phone calls on my cell phone and a creepy letter at my home.” So what’s his defense?

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Kristin Chenoweth’s Newsweek Archenemy Attempts to Explain Himself