Tag Archives: shat-out-some

Kendall Jenner Ass in Leggings of the Day

As an old as fuck pervert, I don’t think I will get fully comfortable, or bored of, or acclimatized to leggings, because I remember an era of ill-fitting jeans, and leggings being worn with an oversized sweatshirt…meaning this movement, that is over a decade old at this point, thanks to American Apparel making it accessible, is almost magical, especially when girls size down and the shit is see through….often times pantyless and supportive enough to make shape their bodies right…even fat chicks who shouldn’t wear leggings are awesome to me….because leggings.. That said, here’s Kendall going to the gym, to stay in shape because she’s superficial thanks to her modeling career her 70,000 dollar faced father turned mother probably didn’t pay, but rather had paid by Ryan Seacrest, to help make this shit show happen, and stage parent mother, who really only cares about her kids when she’s not too busy whoring at least one of them out, which is never, because her vagina, like a DUGGAR has shat out some shit…literally…in what is clearly the worst STD to haunt the fucking world… Apparently, Kendall is in Montreal this weekend because either she, or her friends are fucking Lewis Hamilton and it is an F1 Race…meaning there’s a small chance that Kendall and I will make sweet love…because sometimes you can’t fight destiny…even if I hate her family, what she represents, I don’t hate this ass enough to let it sit on my face…for a few hours…even if she’s less of an ass and more of a cunt… The post Kendall Jenner Ass in Leggings of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendall Jenner Ass in Leggings of the Day

Kris Jenner is Showcases the Flaw in Social Media of the Day

The flaw in social media is that a devil hooker who sells her kids off for her own personal gold digging fame….can post half naked bikini pics of herself…even if it is something no one really wants to see because she is the vagina that shat out some of the worst fucking humans to grace the earth…even if their pay check tells a different story… Now that’s not to say she looks bad for a 100 year old…I mean it’s just to say that I would totally K-Fed her if that damn menopause wasn’t standing int he way…. Remember…this is either photoshopped or proof that she’s a demon sent from hell trying to win us over… Stop masturbating to this…seriously…it’s weird….

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Kris Jenner is Showcases the Flaw in Social Media of the Day