Tag Archives: standing-int

Izabel Goulart Boxing is the Hottest Shit Ever of the Day

What a fucking babe…Izabel Goulart is probably best known for being a Brazilian Victoria’s Secret model who either got fired or escaped from Victoria’s Secret, even though I didn’t think they really let any of their immigrant models escape…kinda like a communist regime, only the half naked version, mainly because I thought they abducted these girls from their mother countries, killed off their families and Castro’ed them in the most Glamorous way, by holding them captive…only letting them out to model underwear…that or they were fucking robots because girls generally don’t look like this… While since that Victoria’s Secret stint, she’s gone onto be the fittest body on instagram, and I love watching her updates, because she’s hot as fuck, especially when kick boxing… I’m into this.

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Izabel Goulart Boxing is the Hottest Shit Ever of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Twerk of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is my best internet friend even though she ignores me..because she produces creative and artistic masterpieces of her twerking up against a statue like she’s in some kind of rap video, or Miley Cyrus, or pretty much any girl between the ages of 14 and 35 who know what twerking is…it’s gone mainstream… Even I have a twerk video on worldstar hip hop… And it’s hot…and Ireland knows it…that’s why she’s doing it…cuz fame is based on how many followers you have yo’…it’s a new generation…fuck being on TV and internet…let people obsess over your life…something I am into doing…at least when it is like this…cuz I think it is glorious…and I’m ready to be invited to her 18th birthday party… Her caption was I hate when this happens”, which makes it all so much better…this Ireland girl is good..she’s got it figured out.

Continued here:
Ireland Baldwin Twerk of the Day

Kris Jenner is Showcases the Flaw in Social Media of the Day

The flaw in social media is that a devil hooker who sells her kids off for her own personal gold digging fame….can post half naked bikini pics of herself…even if it is something no one really wants to see because she is the vagina that shat out some of the worst fucking humans to grace the earth…even if their pay check tells a different story… Now that’s not to say she looks bad for a 100 year old…I mean it’s just to say that I would totally K-Fed her if that damn menopause wasn’t standing int he way…. Remember…this is either photoshopped or proof that she’s a demon sent from hell trying to win us over… Stop masturbating to this…seriously…it’s weird….

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Kris Jenner is Showcases the Flaw in Social Media of the Day