Tag Archives: sheila howard

This Is Face Of Taliban Justice [Video]


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This Is Face Of Taliban Justice [Video]

Jesus Take The Wheel: Ain’t Isht Granny Used 11-Year-Old Granddaughter To Shoplift Hundreds Of Dollars Worth Of Items In Baby Bag

In ain’t isht news… Grandma Used 11-Year-Old Granddaughter To Shoplift Via WSBTV reports: A grandmother is in jail in Atlanta accused of using her granddaughter to help her shoplift. Police said Howard used her granddaughter to help her steal $139 worth of merchandise. Morrow police said she concealed the stolen goods in a baby bag, which was all caught on tape. “That’s absolutely horrific. You don’t do that,” shopper Vickie Harris told Jones. The allegations floored Harris and her daughter who were shopping at the Walmart on Wednesday. Harris said no adult should have their loved ones participating in crime. “It sets a bad example. You can’t really get mad if they do it,” she said. Howard told the judge in court she is unemployed. The judge explained she faces shoplifting, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and criminal trespassing charges. The judge said the last charge is because Howard should have never entered the store because she was barred after two prior shoplifting arrests. “I would tell her that that’s not right to do at all,” said Shannon Harris, who turned 16 Wednesday. She said she’s old enough to know a grandmother should never coerce their grandchildren into committing crimes. “It doesn’t even sound good coming from your grandmother in the first place. They’re supposed to set the example on how you should live your life,” Shannon Harris said. The judge gave Howard a $9,000 bond and once again ordered her to stay away from the Walmart. The judge also ordered her to stay away from her grandchild. They should have not even issued a bond. She need to sat her triflin’ azz down somewhere and be a better example to her grand kids!

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Jesus Take The Wheel: Ain’t Isht Granny Used 11-Year-Old Granddaughter To Shoplift Hundreds Of Dollars Worth Of Items In Baby Bag