Tag Archives: showing-little

Mila Kunis Gets Fucked By a Bike Seat of the Day

I’m the kind of pervert who likes to make pervert stories out of innocent situations because it makes those situations more interesting to me….Everything in life can be pornographic if you look at it the right way…from eating messy foods, to wearing booty shorts to the grocery store in March, to working out, to facial expressions made in car when on bluetooth, and as Mila Kunis proves…. riding bikes…. She’s up on some hipster cruiser, showing the world exactly why I love sniffing bike seats on hot summer days….you know cuz they are all pussied up….and if you catch them in time….they still have the smell and even the moisture that’s seeped through the shorts, pants, skirts or dresses the girl riding it was wearing…especially after a long ride…vaginal lip on seat connecton is high….and I always just assume it feels good for a bitch, hitting bumps, with all her weight focused on her cunt, I mean else would they ride a bike, when they could just taxi….see cuz life is a fucking porno…I don’t just think it is…it actually is… So here’s Mila Kunis, showing little cleavage with a seat jacked up her ass and I’m in love with everything these pics have to offer. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

Originally posted here:
Mila Kunis Gets Fucked By a Bike Seat of the Day

Noah Cyrus Smacks That, All On the Floor

Sorry, Miley Cyrus supporters. But you can no longer wonder why your role model was named the Worst Celebrity Influence of 2009.

The rest is here:
Noah Cyrus Smacks That, All On the Floor

Hilary Duff Takes Her Fat Tits to Lunch with Her Hocky Player of the Day

I wonder if this dude ever expected to be dating a teenage popster after her teenage popstar status slowly started to fade and her designer jeans started to get bigger and bigger back when he was just a Canadian kid digging quarters out of his pedophile coach’s asshole in some kind of game he was told would better his chances of going pro, or some shit that I don’t have concrete proof about, but know from people who did do sports that a whole lot of homo shit goes down from the coaches to the teamates in the shower and in private meetings and the bond a team has means never letting that information out.

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Hilary Duff Takes Her Fat Tits to Lunch with Her Hocky Player of the Day

Kate Walsh and Her Legs Go to Church of the Day

I don’t know who Kate Walsh is but when I saw these pictures the caption read that she was heading to a meeting at church that lasted 2 hours and I thought she was dressed a little fucking inappropriate, unless of course she was going to the church of short short sluts who can’t make their marriage work. That said, shit reminded me of this bitch I saw walking down the street yesterday morning in a pair of high fucking heels and a a short forucking dress, hair a mess, walking kinda slow and groggy, probably from having a rough fuckin night doing her walk of shame like the whore that she is, so I asked her if she was on her way to church just to rub it in and bitch just gave me a dirty fuckin’ look and kept walkin’.

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Kate Walsh and Her Legs Go to Church of the Day

Geri Halliwell Mocking Christ’s Crucifixion of the Day

I think these are pictures of Geri Halliwell showing little or no respect to Jesus for dying for her sins, but I could be wrong, but thing the Christian fundamentalist she’s go after her for being the antichrist, but maybe she’s just being a fuckin’ idiot, trying to get attention showing off her mom body that I would probably fuck, despite the fact that she got abs tattooed on by some artist who is a master of shading on her sloppy streteched out mom stomach, not that sloppy mom stomach’s ever stopped me in the past, if anything it’s always taken the front seat because it comes with a solid discount. PICS VIA FAME

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Geri Halliwell Mocking Christ’s Crucifixion of the Day