Tag Archives: condom-or-some

Kate Walsh and Her Legs Go to Church of the Day

I don’t know who Kate Walsh is but when I saw these pictures the caption read that she was heading to a meeting at church that lasted 2 hours and I thought she was dressed a little fucking inappropriate, unless of course she was going to the church of short short sluts who can’t make their marriage work. That said, shit reminded me of this bitch I saw walking down the street yesterday morning in a pair of high fucking heels and a a short forucking dress, hair a mess, walking kinda slow and groggy, probably from having a rough fuckin night doing her walk of shame like the whore that she is, so I asked her if she was on her way to church just to rub it in and bitch just gave me a dirty fuckin’ look and kept walkin’.

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Kate Walsh and Her Legs Go to Church of the Day

Geri Halliwell Mocking Christ’s Crucifixion of the Day

I think these are pictures of Geri Halliwell showing little or no respect to Jesus for dying for her sins, but I could be wrong, but thing the Christian fundamentalist she’s go after her for being the antichrist, but maybe she’s just being a fuckin’ idiot, trying to get attention showing off her mom body that I would probably fuck, despite the fact that she got abs tattooed on by some artist who is a master of shading on her sloppy streteched out mom stomach, not that sloppy mom stomach’s ever stopped me in the past, if anything it’s always taken the front seat because it comes with a solid discount. PICS VIA FAME

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Geri Halliwell Mocking Christ’s Crucifixion of the Day

Charlize Theron Playing WIth Hose of the Day

I’ve liked Charlize Theron since her 1998 Playboy spread when she was first breakin’ into the celebrity industry the way all good girls should break into the celebrity industry. Maybe it had something to do with me just getting into my Africa fetish and was easing my way in slowly with a white as an elephant’s ivory girl, or maybe it’s just because she had it goin on and as far as I’m concerned, still does, especially when playing with a garden hose like it was my dick

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Charlize Theron Playing WIth Hose of the Day

Jessica Alba is Trying to Wash Away Her Dirty Sins of the Day

Based on Alba’s baby, it’s safe to say she’s a dirty fucking girl, because to have a baby takes cum attaching itself to a uterus and in order for that to happen, Alba had to pull the condom out of the garbage and put it inside out and shove the shit inside her at least 20 times before it actually worked, cuz Cash Warren knew she was skipping her pill to trap him, and insisted on using rubbers that he brought, sometimes doubling the fuck up just in case she poked a hole in the shit or one was to break because she lined her pussy with Vaseline or oil based lubricant that destroys condom or some shit cuz she was just that desperate to get knocked the fuck up and trap the man she convinced herself was her soulmate. So seeing her with wet hair reminds me that like my friend who fucked a girl with AIDS, no matter how many times she scrubs herself down, even to the point of bleeding, the damage is done and she’s still got serious baggage in the form of a kid and despite how great being a stepfather is, it’s not something I recommend for masturbation fanatasies…..dirty girl. Here are some pictures of her from last week bending over that I forgot to post…..

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Jessica Alba is Trying to Wash Away Her Dirty Sins of the Day