Tag Archives: shut-the-eff

Black People to Alec Baldwin: Shut the Eff Up, Dude!

Alec Baldwin is taking some heat for saying something kind of dumb to The Hollywood Reporter. Okay, actually: Alec Baldwin is taking A LOT of heat for saying something VERY dumb to The Hollywood Reporter. The actor is featured on the latest cover of this publication, touching on nearly every topic of his personal and professional life in the feature story. But it’s one story he tells in particular, along with his reaction to that story, that has nearly all of Twitter rolling its collective eyes. At one point while speaking to Baldwin, writer Lacey Rose says that an African-American man named Tyrone approaches Baldwin and compliments him for his role of Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live. Writes Rose of the encounter: “Though he’s waving and pointing and causing something of a scene, the often-irritable Baldwin doesn’t mind a bit. “In fact, he calls Tyrone over and the two begin cracking each other up. It’s hard to tell who’s enjoying the other more.” Baldwin says this sort of interaction happens “incessantly” these days, elaborating in annoying detail: I don’t know how to say this and I don’t want to get it wrong either, because everything is a minefield of bombs going off, but ever since I played Trump, black people love me. They love me. Everywhere I go, black people go crazy. I think it’s because they’re most afraid of Trump. I’m not going to paint every African-American person with the same brush, but a significant number of them are sitting there going, ‘This is going to be bad for black folks.'” Almost as soon after the article was published online Wednesday, Baldwin was met with major backlash on Twitter. He may not have wanted to paint every African-American with the same brush — but then maybe he should have tried not doing exactly that. Alec Baldwin needs to stop talking for black people , reads one tweet, while another agrees: When liberal white men get too comfortable

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Black People to Alec Baldwin: Shut the Eff Up, Dude!

NeNe Leakes to Brielle Biermann: Shut the Eff Up, Pathetic Kylie Jenner Wannabe!

NeNe Leakes is not just returning to The Real Housewives of Atlanta . She’s also returning to the beef that made her famous. The long-time reality star made a name for herself back in the day by feuding with fellow cast member Kim Zolciak. The rivalry earned so much attention for the women at the center of it that Bravo once considered a spinoff series that would focus entirely on NeNe and Kim . It never came to fruition, however, and now Leakes has upped the ante in her never-ending fight with Zolciak… by going after her daughter! This fresh feud started when Biermann shared video in which she claimed NeNe’s home was infested with roaches. Random, right? Also: GROSS! On Thursday, Leakes responded to this weird and disgusting allegation by posting an old video that depicted Biermann in her bathroom with what appeared to be black bugs. “On the way back to the A, I fell asleep thinking about how imma live in my ROACH infested brand new home,” Leakes wrote on Instagram adding the harsh hashtags: #pottymouthtrashychildren , #jealousprejudicebitch and #blackpeopleneedtostopsupportingtheprejudice . But she wasn’t done dragging the heck out of Biermann. In a separate Instagram rant, Leakes WENT OFF on the 20-year old. Tagging Brielle directly, to make it clear just whom she was addressing, Leakes wrote the following: We don’t have roaches! If you found one, you brought it with you or it fell outta yo funky pussy! Please know I will get you all the way together when you start f-cking with me and mine! Go somewhere and let the air outta those fake lips, fake titties and fake ass because you will never be @kyliejenner.” Oh, yes, NeNe went there. Now, you may be thinking that Biermann is only 20 years old and that it’s way out of line for Leakes to address a co-star’s kid in such a manner. But Brielle has slammed Kenya Moore as ugly and has never met a racy selfie she didn’t pose for. (See the gallery below.) The comparison to Kylie Jenner is both apt and a perfect burn. “Yo trashy mama should have taught you better!” Leakes added on Thursday, referencing Kim, of course, while adding: “My home is brand new but you guys were so jealous of it, you couldn’t even give a compliment. “You had to stoop so low and be so disgusting #racisttrash #jealous#KKK #thirsty you better run yo ass back to a child’s place #youwannaactgrown?” View Slideshow: Brielle Biermann: Photos of Instagram’s Hottest New Star! With The Real Housewives of Atlanta set to return on November 5, it would be easy to see this as scripted fodder in order to boost attention and ratings. That may very well be the case, too. If so, however, producers have gone to impressive lengths in their encouragement of this feud. Consider NeNe’s latest social media comment, in which she accused Kim, Brielle and their relatives of being racist. “Kim & her daughter oops whole family are racists! What her daughter did at my home, (which she nor kim were invited to so be clear abt that as well) was pure disgusting, racist, learned behavior etc. “Children are NOT off limits when you allow your child to talk to adults any kind of way, post disrespectful things on social media and so on. “Kim is a calculating bio polar racist with a horrible mouth, who uses black folks for her come up.”  It is so very much on once again between these co-stars. View Slideshow: 17 Stars Who Really Love the Real Housewives

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NeNe Leakes to Brielle Biermann: Shut the Eff Up, Pathetic Kylie Jenner Wannabe!