Elsa Hosk is incredible. She may be my favorite VS model of the moment. Some people complain that she is too thin, and to them I say go eat another cheeseburger and shut the hell up. Elsa is a healthy looking woman and just because she probably only eats salads does’t mean she is unhappy. It only means that she’ll make a fortune modeling lingerie and bikinis, and then a bigger fortune when she marries/divorces some uber rich dude getting half his billions like Miranda Kerr. » view all 13 photos
Elsa Hosk is incredible. She may be my favorite VS model of the moment. Some people complain that she is too thin, and to them I say go eat another cheeseburger and shut the hell up. Elsa is a healthy looking woman and just because she probably only eats salads does’t mean she is unhappy. It only means that she’ll make a fortune modeling lingerie and bikinis, and then a bigger fortune when she marries/divorces some uber rich dude getting half his billions like Miranda Kerr. » view all 13 photos
Sara Sampaio is a skinny as fuck portuguese model, who I don’t think is actually from Portugal, but it seemed ethnic enough to use in her pitch to the brands that hire her for jobs…like Victoria’s Secret… I think her real claim to fame was going up against the haters because the haters were calling her too skinny, leading her on a guest of skinny girl shaming campaign, saying that calling a girl too skinny is like calling a fat girl too fat, and just because she’s healthy and doesn’t overeat because she’s a model, all you fat bitches need to shut the hell up…you’re all just jealous…or some shit.. Now she’s gone and done a fast food ad in her underwear, because fuck the haters, they just fat and jealous….and hopefully they’ll buy into her bullshit campaign and get fatter becauase the fatter the world is, the skinnier she becomes, and the more work she gets because no one really likes fat chicks…not even fat chicks… It’s all part of her skinny girl ploy… Here are some pics of her modeling…because everyone likes models… The post Sara Sampaio for Carl’s Jr of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
A couple months ago, when Tiger Woods first crashed his car, I was totally over his argument that he deserved privacy. But after live tweeting his entire press conference today, I'm ready to admit I've changed my mind. He's boring. Golf is boring. Sex is exciting, but if no one's going to talk about that, I just want Tiger Woods to shut the hell up. You know what's less boring? Burritos. added by: Ben_Hoffman
If you’re starting to get a little annoyed that I’ve been putting up a few too many Cheryl Tweedy pictures lately, you might want to shut the hell up, mind your own business and get used to it because she’s hanging out in Los Angeles and that means there’s a lot more where these came from. Besides, she’s wearing her little white cut off short shorts that expose her classy stripper rose tattoo on her upper thigh. Not to mention we get a little sideboob peek at her bra. That’s my girl.