Tag Archives: since-the-hot

Rihanna for i-D of the DAy

Rihanna is in the new issue of i-D magazine. I feel like I’ve seen these pictures of her being tribal or whatever the fuck is going on…in her oversized jeans…that are exciting to me, only because I haven’t seen my wife fit into anything she’s ever owned like that since the hot years, after her bout with cancer made her lose 100 lbs… It’s like an artistic version of a weight loss commerical, with more bone through noses and dreadlocks like a plantation worker on the island she’s from….and the whole thing has no nipples…which amazes me, since she leaves her house on the daily showing nipples…I wonder where it all went wrong. The post Rihanna for i-D of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather – Celebrity Gossip, Hot Girls, Comedy, Good Times… .

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Rihanna for i-D of the DAy

Shailene Woodley Nude in a Movie of the Day

Shailene Woodley is nude in a movie… I know very little about this movie, White Bird in a Blizzard, but it sounds like some heavy made for TV movie that she probably took on to be taken seriously as an actress. I don’t know much about Shailene Woodley, I’ve seen her accept an award for playing a dying person, she seemed pretty intense…but not as intense as her in her simulated losing her virginity scene…with riveting lines like “In a blink, it disappeared, like my mother”… What the fuck. It must be a comedy.

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Shailene Woodley Nude in a Movie of the Day

Derryn Lester is Amazing for TREATS! of the Day

The people at TREATS! Magazine ….just keep on bringing the hot, up and coming models I’ve never heard of, named DERRYN LESTER , from South Africa, who we are happy wasn’t dating the blade runner, because she would be dead by now and we would not be graced with her amazing and beautiful tan lines… I mean for some reason 95% of white South African girls…are ridiculously hot. Were the ugly ones killed off during Apartheid in the most racist of places in the world, did the uglies die off of AIDS because of the high AIDS rate, since the hot ones locked down the dudes who weren’t HIV positive, or were they just killed off since South Africa has 100 murders an hour or something insane…or are they just a mix of ethnic greatness, or do we only… I have so many questions I need answered, and I expect to direct them at Derryn Lester on our first date…you know the one we fall in love at…

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Derryn Lester is Amazing for TREATS! of the Day

Katy Perry and Tits Go to an Event of the Day

Girls usually like to hang with other girls who are uglier than they are so that they get all the male attention and don’t have to deal with jealousy, as they can always look at their circle and say “At least I’m not her” or “At least I am skinner than her”, and I guess Katy Perry is just like all other girls cuz here she is with her ugly friend. I usually call these girls that Fat Managers, because they usually get in the way of me fucking the hot one when I meet them at bars, because it always happens to be the day the fat one decides she wants attention and since the hot one wants nothing to do with me, the fat one usually gets what she wants, not that it matters….I take what I can get and apparently so does Russell Brand, despite being a total useless bullshit homo cunt, he could do a hell of a lot better than Katy Perry with some groupie pussy, since I seem to be the only person who hates him and his bullshit, but I guess their union brings us hope…hope that the plane will crash, the house will burn down, the car will drive off the road and into oncoming traffic, because if they are always together, tragedy can kill two birds with one stone.. Pics via LFI

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Katy Perry and Tits Go to an Event of the Day