Tag Archives: smartest-media

Kylie Jenner White Pants Twerking of the Day

We can agree these people are worst… The smartest media manipulators….Daughters of accomplice to a murdering and murderer…made relevant after one turned pornstars to create these creatures, the worst creatures, with a Tranny…who are now twerking on the internet..for their snapchats…that they upload to the internet to Here is the Kendall Jenner, the other one…in a See Through Outfit of the Day….for Vogue Japan Kendall Jenner is in Vogue Japan and I guess she’s topless in it…which may or may not be exciting for anyone, because this family is a gang of trashy hookers, but people like trashy hookers, especially when they are rich, even with their Trans, fucking with God’s path….. The post Kylie Jenner White Pants Twerking of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kylie Jenner White Pants Twerking of the Day