Tag Archives: smartest-move

Kate Upton GQ Outtakes of the Day

GQ released some new Kate Upton pics from their hot photoshoot they did with her because GQ is milking the smartest move they’ve made in years, by getting Kate Upton to shoot in a wet t-shirt, risking their advertisers pulling cuz in America, nipples are bad, at least when on my site, in a time when print magazines are going bankrupt, but more importantly in a time when Kate Upton has a very small window of opportunity, and is at her peak but doesn’t know it, cuz she’s a fat chick in training cuz the rest of her body will catche up to her huge sloppy tits….they in a wet t-shirt like this was some college spring break party…..when guys everywhere are obsessed….It was well played and the goods continue….even if they aren’t as good since they lack nipple and really what’s a tit without nipple….

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Kate Upton GQ Outtakes of the Day

Which was Paula Abdul’s Better Option: Got to Dance or X-Factor?

Paula Abdul’s new gig as lead judge on CBS’ s upcoming series Got to Dance is… happy? Grim? An opportunity for the 47-year-old singer to bring back her oversize blazers and leggings? Not so bad? Whatever it is, it’s not a Simon Cowell production, and that makes us fearful for next year’s smattering of reality competitions. I certainly figured that Paula would join Simon on the American version of his hit X-Factor . But could it be that Paula Abdul’s smartest move is detaching from all American Idol associations for good?

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Which was Paula Abdul’s Better Option: Got to Dance or X-Factor?