Tag Archives: social-climber

Cara Delevingne and Taylor Swift Scissoring of the Day

Cara Delevingne is a social climber, that’s why people think she’s fun or interesting, she’s positioned herself right, she took her access and she just keeps on leveraging because the world is so dumb and just buy into her lie…it’s like rich girl gets into all the parties and walks to the important person table to become an important person too. Bullshit. Taylor Swift is a creepy, manipulative, marketing machine who makes shitty music that people are brainwashed into thinking is great…and she knows anyone around her is using her, because she’s such a cunt, no one can actually like her….but she figures she can use them right back…because it makes her look like she’s got cool friends…and being one of the cool girls with cool friends even if it’s so far from the truth…because all these people may be rich but they are fucking losers to me…but I guess it speaks to her audience she’s manipulating and not to perverts like me that just want to see this storyline turn into lesbian relationship…we know Taylor Swift fucks everything, and we know that the lesbian thing will be a great angle for her… Where is the scissoring…because I know it’s coming….and I probably won’t since lesbian sex is so anti-climatic…like these pictures these cunts staged as a media hit…knowing the paparazzi would be there to cover it. Scammers. Look how bad acting Delevingne pretends she doesn’t want the paparazzi taking her pic- when she called the fucking paparazzi. Hilarious. Typical. To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE The post Cara Delevingne and Taylor Swift Scissoring of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Cara Delevingne and Taylor Swift Scissoring of the Day

Chrissy Teigan in a Bikini of the Day

I make fun…or harass…or annoy Chrissy Teigan on twitter every once in a while…you know with the typical…social climber…gold digger shit…but she’s actually a lot of fun….but more importantly…good at being in a bikini… She’s married to John Legend or some other Grammy winning black piano playe…she’s an SI Model…and I guess I am a fan….because when a girl built like this shows it off..you can’t really hate them….under any circumstance…especially when they tell you they love your site….when you know that only amazing people love your site…even if she doesn’t actually love my site…I’ll take it….and promote her to the end of time…like she is my internet soul mate I must sing love songs to….even if she’s probably tired of the love song shit…even if love somgs helped pay for her luxury apartment…and the ring on her finger I’d like in my ass. She’s one of the good ones….and here’s a dog humping her to prove it…cuz dogs only hump good people…..good people I’d be humping too… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Chrissy Teigan in a Bikini of the Day