Tag Archives: chrissy-teigan

Kelly Brook Sleazy on Instagram of the Dat

Kelly Brook is pretty much a 40 year old high class escort who markets herself by booking random campaigns for magazines using her tits that I can only assume she doesn’t get paid for. We call it the “Chrissy Teigan Day Rate”…meaning she’s probably signed to an agency, she probably has a fantasy day rate like a real model, but really only books jobs she does for free to increase her profile…or to make her feel better about being 40 years old… She’s always naked or half naked, her tits are still pretty fun to look at, and she just posted this on instagram…saying “look at me, look at me, I hope this gets me more followers”….in her head…because playing it cool, like that she does this for work, and not for ego…is kinda all part of it.. I’m not complaining because I don’t care…

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Kelly Brook Sleazy on Instagram of the Dat

Chrissy Teigan Nipple Slip of the Day

Chrissy Teigan is married…and in being married has found a new low level strategy to get noticed…that involves showing her nippple.. She’s a little Pug-Faced, and not in a good way, because if you know anything about me or the site, I have a #stepPUG and I call myself a Pug Whisperer, but human pugs aren’t quite as cute… She’s just not really hot at all, and sure she has tits and a body, and has been in SI, but I think it’s time for her to just get knocked up and live that gold digging wife life… She bores me, even with all her twitter jokes….that suck…time to shut it down.

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Chrissy Teigan Nipple Slip of the Day

Chrissy Teigan Skittles Porn of the Day

Chrissy Teigan is some fat Sports Illustrated model who always talks about food as fat girls who don’t know they are fat do…she’s the kind of girl who as her belly hangs over her pants but talks to people about how she doesn’t have to work out cuz she’s naturally beautiful…even though she’s not..it is one of those positive reinforcement situations gone wrong…where it gives a girl an ego, that tricks the rich dudes around her enough to marry her, and get her booked doing Candy commercials, when really Candy is the last thing she should be eating, but can be eating cuz her professional gold digging has gone heavy equipment and is now gold mining… That said, I consider Chrissy Teigan a friend of the site.

Chrissy Teigan Skittles Porn of the Day

Chrissy Teigan is Nude in GQ of the Day

Chrissy Teigan is one of my best internet friends of all time…at least if you are like me and consider one tweet directed your way a lasting internet friendship…because that’s just where we’ve come socially…all our conversations forever recorded and on the record for the government to use against us…in text and meaningless from the comfort of our own homes.. I think I called her out for being a wallet fucking opportunist, thanks to her rich musical fiancé, but really who isn’t a wallet fucker these days, I mean even when she makes her own money, why bother dating a broke ass trick, it makes no sense… I think she mentioned that she thought I was funny, which I can only interpret as flirting…and the whole never hearing from her again as playing hard to get…. Or maybe John Legend won’t let her, cuz he knows I’m a risk.. But he’s’ got nothing to worry about, I’m not into her, and I’m not into her nudes for GQ, I see a lot of model pussy on the internet, and for some reason, I am just not down.. No, it’s got nothing to do with me “Paula Deen-ing”…I think it has more to do with her being an internet comedian, one of the least attractive things for a girl to be…along with DJing… Here are the pics anyway… Here’s the video…

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Chrissy Teigan is Nude in GQ of the Day

Chrissy Teigan in a Bikini of the Day

I make fun…or harass…or annoy Chrissy Teigan on twitter every once in a while…you know with the typical…social climber…gold digger shit…but she’s actually a lot of fun….but more importantly…good at being in a bikini… She’s married to John Legend or some other Grammy winning black piano playe…she’s an SI Model…and I guess I am a fan….because when a girl built like this shows it off..you can’t really hate them….under any circumstance…especially when they tell you they love your site….when you know that only amazing people love your site…even if she doesn’t actually love my site…I’ll take it….and promote her to the end of time…like she is my internet soul mate I must sing love songs to….even if she’s probably tired of the love song shit…even if love somgs helped pay for her luxury apartment…and the ring on her finger I’d like in my ass. She’s one of the good ones….and here’s a dog humping her to prove it…cuz dogs only hump good people…..good people I’d be humping too… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Chrissy Teigan in a Bikini of the Day

The Rest of the SI Swimsuit 2012 Models of the Day

I wasn’t gonna bother doing this…but I am doing it anyway..Here are videos of the rest of the SI Models….Enough to give you a taste….of he pussy they selected this year.. You can go to SI SWIMSUIT 2012 Microsite for all the rest of the videos and the 1000s of piitures…….I’m not about to post the shit….half naked is not naked enough…. Adaora Nina Adgal Natalie COUGHlin Cintia DICKer Jessica Gomes Izabel Goulart Kirby Griffin Natalie Gulbis Julie Henderson Ariel Meredith Alyssa Miller Alex Morgan Genevieve Morton Jessica Perez Bar Refali Irina Shayk Chrissy Teigan Michelle Vawer Anne V Where are the fucking nude pics….this is bullshit….

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The Rest of the SI Swimsuit 2012 Models of the Day

Holly Branson Flashes Cooch of the Day

Based on these pictures, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that Holly Branson is not a virgin, despite Virgin giving her the life you only dream of, with billion dollar trust funds and probably one of the coolest dads, who for some reason raised some trash that’s trying to Paris Hilton with her dyed hair, going to clubs and shit…cuz this is the generation of sex tapes and pussy flashes to be cheap famous to differentiate yourself from the cool media empire your dad created, even though without that media empire, or your dad, you’d just be flashing your cooch at the college bar unless of course this is just a good timing on the paparazzi’s part, in which case I take it back…. Either way, she’s got what looks like a great ass and I want to be her personal assistant….I take great notes with my tongue…as long as the pad I’m writing on is moist and fleshy…

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Holly Branson Flashes Cooch of the Day

SI 2011 Have Another Party I Wasn’t Invited To of the Day

Here’s another press wall for the SI 2011 Swimsuit promo tour with a lot of the models you can see naked in the magazine…..I’m riding this shit out as hard as SI is… Some looked like strippers. Some looked like pornstars. Some looked like prom dates. Some looked like beauty pageant girls. Some looked liked they were ripping lines of heroin in the bathroom. Some looked like they just got off the boat. All were worth fucking….and I wasn’t invited. I did one of these yesterday , here’s another one….different day, different dresses, same pussy… Ayssa Miller Jessica Gomes Damarais Lewis Esti Ginzburg Kate Upton Chrissy Teigan Genevieve Morton Shannon Click Cintia Dicker Bruna Schmitz Anne V Brooklyn Decker Izabel Goulart Kenza Fourati Jessica White is Black Irina Shayk

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SI 2011 Have Another Party I Wasn’t Invited To of the Day

Sofia Vergara Aggressively Photoshopped for Shape Magazine of the Day

Shape Magazine is some inspirational shit for fat chicks. It’s this fantasy magazine they read thinking that they’ll follow the fad of the moment to work off their cake-eating gunt, but they never do, they just feel better in the fantasy…and to make things even more cartoon-like the magazine photoshops abs on every celebrity they convince to get on the cover. Sofia Vergara being the latest. The only reason Sofia Vergara is in any shape is cuz she’s finally had the time to recoverer from the damage years of sucking dick to the top took on her. It’s like millions of spic immigrants come to America, only one becomes famous, something’s I call “Hooker” is up with that…. Not that it matters, she’s got big tits and more importantly she was a teen mother and we like that so here are her pics.

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Sofia Vergara Aggressively Photoshopped for Shape Magazine of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Showing Off Leg of the Day

I like Venessa Hudgens cuz she reminds me of this little stuffed chipmunk I used to jerk off on and not even cuz of her fuzzy little teen slut pussy she took pictures of for the internet, but because of her nut filled lookin’ cheeks. I probably should give you a back story as to why I used to jerk off on a stuffed animal, but why bother, no one’s reading this and anyway I stage this story, I’m gonna come across as a real weirdo….Look I always washed it before putting it back in the crib…I’m not a monster…Stop judging me. That said, I don’t know what Ethnicity this bitch is, but I’d like to taste her and find out, but I kinda feel that way about everyone, including scabby drug addicts on the verge of death. I’ve always been inquisitive…

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Vanessa Hudgens Showing Off Leg of the Day