Tag Archives: quite-as-cute

Kimberley Garner And Amy Willerton Cause A Stir

As much as I love Kimberly Garner , I think it might be time for me to move on from our Twitter relationship. I just don’t think Kimberly her social media assistant is as invested in it as I am. But don’t worry about me, because I think I found my rebound girl: Katie Price’s former protege Amy Willerton . Now granted, Amy’s not quite as cute or famous as Kimberly, but I think that’s a good thing for me. It means I might actually have a shot at convincing her to consummate our online relationship with some hot bikini pictures. And if that makes Kimberly jealous, even better. » view all 11 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Kimberley Garner And Amy Willerton Cause A Stir

Chrissy Teigan Nipple Slip of the Day

Chrissy Teigan is married…and in being married has found a new low level strategy to get noticed…that involves showing her nippple.. She’s a little Pug-Faced, and not in a good way, because if you know anything about me or the site, I have a #stepPUG and I call myself a Pug Whisperer, but human pugs aren’t quite as cute… She’s just not really hot at all, and sure she has tits and a body, and has been in SI, but I think it’s time for her to just get knocked up and live that gold digging wife life… She bores me, even with all her twitter jokes….that suck…time to shut it down.

See the original post here:
Chrissy Teigan Nipple Slip of the Day

Joanna Krupa Naked for Playboy of the Day

Joanna Krupa has been trying to solidify herself as famous or relevant by taking her clothes off for the last 8 years and the best job that she’s got in all those years is a gig on Dancing with the Stars, something designed for has-beens who had no more hope of making a comeback or having a career but did have a lot of time on their hands and were desperate to find something to keep themselves busy due to the suicidal thoughts they were constantly having and their therapists orders because otherwise they’d be found hanging from the rafters, cuz they sold their soul to the devil so many years ago, thinking their peak was just the beginning and nothing would get lower than that and now they are paying like they were Lindsay Lohan by humilating themselves thru dance. So instead of being someone who became a nobody holding on for sanity on a show that happened to get famous, she was an actual nobody who figured the show would help get her out having no work, despite her willingness to show off her fake tits, since she did spend her yearly income on them in hopes of making more money as a bottom feeder, you know titties as a tool to get noticed….and now she’s doing December 2009 Playboy, because when people are watching and you are a household name for the first time in your life…you gotta pull all the stops and really saturate the market with you. The only problem I have with this bitch getting naked for fame like she always had, hopefully with a better outcome now that she’s a household name, is that she’s not flashing her fucking pussy

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Joanna Krupa Naked for Playboy of the Day

Eliza Dushku Showing Off her Black Lovin’ Panties of the Day

I still haven’t figured out how Eliza Dushku and Rick Fox fuck. It’s not like she’s a typical woman black dudes go after, you know who are fat or built strong enough to take their big dicks, but can only assume Rick Fox has a small penis, otherwise Dushku would be getting pushed in a wheelchair in these pictures after he ripped her the fuck apart. I mean I guess she could have a huge cock fetish because she’s got a vagina built to handle the shit, I mean she did get famous somehow and I don’t think sitting on a producers desk fucking champagne bottles bottoms first is that unrealistic of one of her stunts, but it doesn’t matter because I don’t find her hot anymore, not because she’s gone black, since that shit never fucked with my ego like it does for white people, but because she’s wearing nude colored panties.

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Eliza Dushku Showing Off her Black Lovin’ Panties of the Day

Christina Ricci and her Tit Window of the Day

I’m not sure if I see nipple through the window Christina Ricci had built into her dress to prove to us that she didn’t amputate all of her tit and still has enough to get by, but I think I do. I guess when she decided it was time to slaughter her tits a few years ago because she had an eating disorder and they didn’t compliment the anorexic body she was looking for since child stars are all fucked in the head like Michael Jackson, she instructred the plastic surgeon to keep them on, because having nippleless tits like Barbie is for Breast Cancer survivors and not 20 somethings who will need to get naked on screen for the rest of her life in order to get work since she’s no quite as cute as she was in Mermaids, The Addam’s Family and Casper, you know back when she was relevant and even an “It” girl and I don’t really give a fuck either way but maybe you do and I guess that’s why I do this

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Christina Ricci and her Tit Window of the Day