Tag Archives: some-pumping

27 Absurdly Awkward Pregnancy Photos That Make You Wonder How the Kids Turned Out

Many people believe nothing is more magical than a tasteful portrait of an expectant mother’s pregnant belly, and we are not here to argue with those people. Those people just aren’t talking about these 27 photos. “What were they thinking?” is the stock response to these epic pictures of people who took the excitement of their impending arrival to disturbing levels. How and why these awkward shots made it to the web, we have no idea. But they will make you cringe, scratch your head, and smile with a blend of joy, bewilderment and gratitude. Because they’re not yours. You can always be thankful for that fact. Like the 37 best photos of people at Walmart , this gallery will simultaneously have you laughing out loud and questioning the very future of humanity itself: 27 Awkwardest Pregnancy Pictures Ever 1. Pumping Her Up There was likely some pumping of a different sort involved between these two a few months prior.

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27 Absurdly Awkward Pregnancy Photos That Make You Wonder How the Kids Turned Out