Tag Archives: some-trailer

Miley Cyrus In a One Piece in the Backyard of the Day

Miley Cyrus posted some pics of a homemade photoshoot she did, post wisdom teeth removal, featuring some ice on her face like she just got beat up like the hick that she is, you know in some trailer park spousal dispute I wish was her reality, but insteaed, she’s just rich as fuck, living the life of luxury, worth more than any of us, and not even 25 yet…pretty depressing…. We can sit and laugh at her accent, her deep voice, her lame, poser, bullshit “artistic” vision…that is just hollywood bullshit, but she’s living the good life, people care about her, and she’s hot enough for all of us to want to fuck…but instead we just get to stare at her homemade shoots, thinking “I wish i was the reason she was icing her face, you know after bruising her up with all my throat fucking”…because we are pathetic, at least I am…and doing posts on these people makes me want to kill myself…but I’ll save that for another day…instead I’ll just post some pics… The post Miley Cyrus In a One Piece in the Backyard of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miley Cyrus In a One Piece in the Backyard of the Day

Laetitia Casta by Terry Richardson for Purple Mag of the Day

There was a time when this 32 year old wasn’t 32 and was one of the hottest set of tits on the celebrity nudity circuit on the internet….I’m talking back in 1997 when celebrity blogs didn’t exist, but random sites that posted screenshots of sex scenes did. I don’t know how many times I jerked off to this girls big French tits, but it was probably at least once in some drunken, lonely moment I shouldn’t share with you…and the weird thing about this bitch is that I’ve only posted one post on her in 6 years of doing this…. I don’t really know what happened to her, you know why she never made it big in America, or why banned Chris Isaak music videos were her claim to fame, or why she kinda disappeared but then again I don’t really know who the fuck she is, I just know she has big tits… Now she’s in Purple Magazine being shot by Terry Richardson, mooning some, fucking with statues some and it’s a good enough comeback for me…

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Laetitia Casta by Terry Richardson for Purple Mag of the Day

Dana Thompson Tits in Dr Nazi of the Day

I love that in whatever country this Dr Nazi shit was released and put on TV, the warning is that it is not recommended for kids under 12…if this was put out in America it’d be rated fucking X. You people are so backwards it is retarded…you let the church dictate what’s right when I think this naked bitch I’ve never heard of named Dana Thompson being naked is fucking right…and instead you shove war games and hip hop music down their throats….I’m a fucking porn site cuz I post nudity….and I can’t get an advertiser cuz I post nudity…but in France…this shit isn’t recommended for kids under 12. That’s the fucking joke….It’s Hilarious.


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Dana Thompson Tits in Dr Nazi of the Day

Some Gutter Girls in Shorts of the Day

I love these creeper videos taken by dudes creeping on random bitches in random settings who don’t know they are being creeped on…especailly when they are gutter. No, I’m not just saying that cuz this fat ass is talking to a black dude, I’m not racist like that, I’m saying it cuz I imagine this chick is the kind of gutter bitch who spits in faces, talks with a hip hop accent and throws down if she feels like someone crossed her or looked at her baby daddy with love in her eye…instead of with fear when he comes to collect his money…This is some trailer park white trash shit…and I love it.


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Some Gutter Girls in Shorts of the Day