Tag Archives: some-unknown

Jennifer Lawrence Stretches Out Her Shirt

Sometimes there are breasts that slip under my radar due to some unknown reason. I don’t know why or how it could happen but the good news is, I eventually discover them. So I would like to apologize to all my readers for not giving Jennifer Lawrence and her chesticles the attention they deserve. Forgive me.

REVIEW: Helen Hunt, Ensemble Deal With Every Day Struggles

Garrett, the crass, crabby showrunner played by Eddie Izzard in Every Day , has a refrain meant to inspire the stable of television writers who script his Gray’s Anatomy -ish show: Shock me. Shock me Jaded and suffering from character arc exhaustion, Garrett is meant to be a joke and he is: Incest, bestiality, and public sex (ideally with a hooker who has AIDS ) are his idea of fresh and new; the craven, ratings-mongering type he embodies wouldn’t pass his own smell test.

REVIEW: Helen Hunt, Ensemble Deal With Every Day Struggles

Damon Lindelof Helps Write Sideways Universe Version of Sex and the City 2

Say what you will about Damon Lindelof, but the man has a knack for parodying bloated Hollywood excess. You’ll recall that last June Lindelof wrote a BP-themed sequel treatment for Esquire titled Armageddoner! , and now he’s back with an alternate version of Sex and the City 2 . Don’t worry, fans; this version doesn’t feature a big meeting of all Carrie’s ex-boyfriends in a church at some unknown time in the afterlife. It does feature a fatwa, though.

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Damon Lindelof Helps Write Sideways Universe Version of Sex and the City 2