Tag Archives: sounds-during

Caught: Jon Stewart Shows GOP’s ‘New’ Pledge Exactly The Same As The Old

Last night on “The Daily Show,” Jon Stewart lambasted the GOP for their new “Pledge to America,” a promise of fresh, new ideas that sound identical to the Republican rhetoric of the last 20 years. Stewart began by remembering two years ago when Republican senators previously pledged to make the GOP a “party of new ideas,” trying things like forum website America Speaking Out, and other ideas that ultimately failed. Now, with midterms around the corner, Republicans have are trying to reinvent themselves once more, promising things like reduced spending, smaller government, permanent tax cuts, and other things that sound oddly familiar. “Your fresh new ideas,” Stewart said, “sound slightly – I'm sorry, did I say slightly? – sound EXACTLY like your old ones.” As he does best, Stewart worked the clips and showed side by side comparisons of 2010 Republicans pledging to do the same things as those of the last 20 years. “This isn't even a sequel,” Stewart said. “This is a shot-by-shot remake!” added by: atomiclegion

Netflix CEO: "Americans are somewhat self-absorbed"

“THR: Are you concerned that American Netflix subscribers will look north and ask for the same discount Canadians get at $7.99? Hastings: How much has it been your experience that Americans follow what happens in the world? It's something we'll monitor, but Americans are somewhat self-absorbed.” http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/news/e3if1d3902d12574ec22296… added by: lvp

Iska River Disappears Overnight

The Iska River in Slovenia vanished overnight after residents reported hearing loud crashing sounds. ::..::.. On Tuesday, the Iska River was bubbling past the village of the same name. On Wednesday… it was gone. Residents say they heard crashing and drumming sounds during the night. When they went to the river the next morning, they watched what was left of it disappear before their eyes. Geologists believe the water disappeared into the porous limestone riverbed and is now flowing under ground. It's said the same thing happened to the river before during World War II. It's not clear when or if the water will resurface. ::..::.. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=6898039n added by: vancitysage

Phillipines Got Talent’s Horse Lady

Strange drag queen lady emits some very odd animal sounds during a weird audition on Pilipinas Got Talent. She's obviously the next Susan Boyle. View