Tag Archives: start-walking

Hilary Duff’s Married Whore Ass in Jeans of the Day

I am totally uninterested in Hilary Duff. Not because she’s married, that shit never stops me from wanting to fuck any chick, because I know if played right, every chick is down to fuck….but because she doesn’t look good anymore. I don’t know what kind of abuse her billionaire heir/pro hockey playing husband and his team put her thru, but she’s a fucking battered wreck that would lead me to think hockey stick insertion is part of the equation….sure, it could be the just the common Got Married and gave the fuck up strategy….but I like to think it involves gangbangs. I’m only posting these pictures cuz she looks like a hooker when pulling money out at the ATM, even if hookers never pull money out at ATMS, unless it’s with stolen bank cards….

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Hilary Duff’s Married Whore Ass in Jeans of the Day

Tila Tequila Milking Her Bandaid On of the Day

I don’t know if she’s trying to revive Nelly’s signature bandaid fashion accessory that I always found annoying, or if she’s taking the same approach as my friend with oral herpes who covers up her cold sores cuz she’s embarrassed their evidence she sucked dirty scabby rockstar dick back when she was a groupie and couldn’t turn down the low level act that rolled thru town, despite the scabs on his dick, cuz girls are idiots…. But I do know that she’s just trying to milk this story of getting shit thrown at her at some concert she was miraculously booked at, unfortunately, they didn’t throw ACID or fire that lead her to disfigurment and hospitalization to give her something to actually cry about…. This has been the most airtime she’s got in months, and I just don’t get why she doesn’t just give us what we want and start walking around with her vagina bandaged up or exposed…but instead she’s in pants…I assume that’ll happen when this stunt dries up and the others get ignored… Either way – she’s a fucking joke….

Tila Tequila Milking Her Bandaid On of the Day