Tag Archives: really-takes

Bella Thorne is Subtle of the Day

Bella Thorne is hilarious…I mean her casual walk turns into what looks like a low level instagram model shoot in some creepy photographer who is obsessed with getting girls naked in his “studio” that he lives in…to leverage his account and his “art” at least that’s what he calls it…to get these girls naked…even though all it really takes is having 100k followers…and the girls will come running… That said, I am very into her ass…and tits…and low level acting…and I just want her falling into insanity to start including more pussy lip…we’re ready for it…the tits and ass are great and all…but does it really count without exposed labia… I DO NOT THINK SO…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Bella Thorne is Subtle of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Thorne is Subtle of the Day

The Naked Chef of the Day

Some girl from Argentine did such a basic video of her cooling “topless”…and it apparently went completely viral. I watched 10 seconds of it, because that is my attention span when it comes to pretty much anything and everything, including but not limited to going down on girls and/or eating their asses, because I’ve seen it all before… I just like that we as a society, on an international level, are so fucking basic, it’s like all it takes is a decent girl strategically topless to get known… Meanwhile, in LA, so many girls are struggling and “thirst” trapping…when all it really takes is a vidographer with a basic idea and basic editing skills.. Step your game up fame whores, every last one of you could have been this girl…it really doesn’t take much… Let me be your life coach… The post The Naked Chef of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Naked Chef of the Day

Beth Humphries Presents 2013′s Sexiest New Babes of the Day

Glamour Models represent all that is right in the world. They are average looking at best, you know the girl you’d never think would become a model growing up, who would have just assumed would have had kids at 20 with her uncle who molested her and made her the broken girl she is, but who instead aborted that mission, took off her shirt and never had to work a regular job again, because thanks to the need for topless models in the UK coupled with her great tits, shot by decent photographers, she can be a star in her own right…and like a stripper she’s probably a cunt, with an ego, who thinks she’s more important than she is, but that’s ok, cuz even though we know she’s a nobody, her talents are a joke, we can still stare at her tits, and they are lovely. Glamour Models remind me of the purpose of a woman and the reason they were sent to this earth….and that is to please men.

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Beth Humphries Presents 2013′s Sexiest New Babes of the Day

Jessica Simpson Pregnant Pic of the Day

I don’t know why pregnant pics of Jessica Simpson bring me such joy….but they do…she’s a fucking tank…filled with fetus and Texan BBQ….and her ankles look like they are going to break from all the pressure and her pants look like they’ve taken on the biggest challenge of their pants life….because she really takes pregnancy and eating for two seriously…and the whole thing is fucking lovely….the beautiful glow of a pregnant woman….who is about to explode and splatter cake all over people in a 20 foot radius of her…. Normally pregnancy grosses me out…but today…it makes me laugh… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Jessica Simpson Pregnant Pic of the Day

Katy Perry Tits in Some Latex of the Day

Katy Perry is photoshopped in Latex….and when her skin looks clear and lovely for a change…she’s still annoying as fuck….but at least she has tits…tits that took her places she didn’t deserve to go…by taking focus away from her flaws like her dumpy ass…the fact she can’t sing or dance…and getting her on the radio making music we all hate but know the words to cuz her shit is programmed to brain wash us by the record label…I saw Josie and the Pussycats…I know how the industry works….she’s a busty pawn I can’t stand…but unfortunately…like every other dude…I’m won over by the tits…tits is all it really takes to get by and here she is in some latex.

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Katy Perry Tits in Some Latex of the Day

Tila Tequila’s Got Good Looking Cleavage

I haven’t had Tila Tequila’s fake boobies on the site in a long time, so I’m happy to see that she’s still not afraid to let them all hang out for the cameras every chance she gets. Not that it really takes her much convincing to show them off. It’s also nice to see her looking kinda good for a change, not so I’ll stab you in the face crazy-eyed… I wouldn’t send this one back to the agency.

Tila Tequila Milking Her Bandaid On of the Day

I don’t know if she’s trying to revive Nelly’s signature bandaid fashion accessory that I always found annoying, or if she’s taking the same approach as my friend with oral herpes who covers up her cold sores cuz she’s embarrassed their evidence she sucked dirty scabby rockstar dick back when she was a groupie and couldn’t turn down the low level act that rolled thru town, despite the scabs on his dick, cuz girls are idiots…. But I do know that she’s just trying to milk this story of getting shit thrown at her at some concert she was miraculously booked at, unfortunately, they didn’t throw ACID or fire that lead her to disfigurment and hospitalization to give her something to actually cry about…. This has been the most airtime she’s got in months, and I just don’t get why she doesn’t just give us what we want and start walking around with her vagina bandaged up or exposed…but instead she’s in pants…I assume that’ll happen when this stunt dries up and the others get ignored… Either way – she’s a fucking joke….

Tila Tequila Milking Her Bandaid On of the Day

Karissa Shannon Is Getting Noticed of the Day

Either people actually find her hot, or they are amazed that she’s dating the whitest acting black guy in hollywood, or maybe Playboy is all it really takes for a pussy to get the approval it seeks after it’s father ran out on it early on in its life…and really who fucking cares…all this celebrity girl shit is getting boring…if they aren’t on all fours spreading their cunts in video…I am not interested…and the good news is there’s a rumor this bitch is releasing a sex tape…like everyone in Hollywood eventually will do…making everyday life substantially more pornographic…the foundation is being laid….

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Karissa Shannon Is Getting Noticed of the Day

Mike Tyson’s Not Raping a Bitch in a See Thru Outfit of the Day

It’s nice to see Mike Tyson gracefully dancing with a girl instead of beating and raping her and ending up in prison like he usually does, but I guess that’s only because the bitch is in a see thru outfit and following his fucking orders, cuz the second she slips up, you know bitch gets broke….he’d doing this for some televised show in another country…so I guess that’s why he’s on his best behavior…but we don’t really know went down when the cameras were turned off…I can only assume that one of them isn’t walkin’ right today thanks to being ripped in half…and we can’t really blame Tyson for it…anytime a bitch gets that close to a known rapist in a see thru outfit she’s asking for it….and I am not just saying that because I feel the “She was wearing a short skirt” excuse is legit and should get rapists off cuz we’re fucking animals and you can’t dangle a carrot in front of our faces without us trying to eat it….I’m saying it cuz Tyson is insane and a whole different breed of animal who really takes what he wants and hurts anyone who tries to stop him… Pics via Fame

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Mike Tyson’s Not Raping a Bitch in a See Thru Outfit of the Day

The Decade, Summed Up in Icons

All the big trends that defined the 2000s, simplified into a pictographic chart. Wow, this Word Perfect clip art really takes me back to 1999.

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The Decade, Summed Up in Icons