Tag Archives: tequila-ruins

Tulisa Contostavlos Bikini Pictures

Here’s British singer Tulisa Contostavlos shooting her music video “Live It Up” on the beach of Hawaii. I’ve never heard one of her songs but judging by these pictures the video is going to look great. Especially, since Tulisa is in a bikini and becasue her back up dancers/video hos’ have bodies like this . Damn! I want some of that.

Mesmerizing Tulisa Contostavlos Bikini Pictures

I posted some pictures of this Tulisa Contostlavos chick on her bikini last week amd it looks like she enjoyed all the attention, because here she is again in an ever hotter little swimsuit. I like the way the shiny blue of her bikini top draws my attention, like one of those bug zappers, I can’t help but stare at her breast. I wonder if they make a Speedo version? I wouldn’t mind a day at the beach filled with women staring at my package…. For all the right reasons this time.

Tulisa Contostavlos Unknown Bikini Pictures

I actually did a little research into this Tulisa Contostavlos chick, I don’t normally care, but I had no idea who she was and I couldn’t just go with my standard “some supermodel on the beach” line because, well because that face tells me she’s clearly not a supermodel. She’s one of those British popstars who aren’t popular anywhere else in the world, she was a judge on the UK’s X-Factor and her body looks pretty good poolside in a bikini. That last part is all that really matters to me. Keep up the good work.

Tulisa Contostavlos’ Got Legs

I think it’s pretty clear that I don’t know who the hell this Tulisa Contostavlos bird is, I can barely spell her weird name, but I’m always up for meeting new hotties over the internet so here she is. I think she’s a British singer or something along those lines, not that it really matters to me, but she’s got some pretty hot legs on her. I wouldn’t mind helping her get a little more recognition if she wants to come in for a get together. She can sit on my lap and we’ll talk about the first thing that pops up.

Kimora Lee Bikini Pictures

I wouldn’t say that Kimora Lee Simmons or Honsou or whatever she calls herself now is exactly a regular on the site, I think this is her first appearance, but if she’s going to make her debut in an outfit like this I might have to make room for her more often. Here she is relaxing on the beach in her sexy little black bikini. Doesn’t she have a bunch of kids already? This doesn’t look like a body that’s had humans squeezed out of it. Impressed.

Tila Tequila’s Lame Foxy Boxing

It looks like Tila Tequila’s career has finally taken off, here she is at one of those lame Foxy Boxing events where two chicks in little outfits pretend to fight each other with oversized gloves in front of a crowd of sad dudes hammered on $14 beers. She’s hit the big time. If you’ve got five and a half minutes to spare you can watch the lame video below. They even added in punching sound effects to make it more authentic. So lame.

Shenae Grimes Needs Some Help STAT

I thought this Shenae Grimes chick was supposed to be one of the next up and coming hotties? What the hell is all this about? Here she is leaving the gym the other day looking a little worse for wear. Not good. I guess she’s relatively knew to this fame thing, so maybe I should let it slide this time, but going to the gym without make up? Come on, this is celebrity hottie 101. next she’ll be getting out of a car with her un-groomed lady parts hanging out. She’s doing the right thing covering up… Ew!

Tila Tequila Gets Sexy For Howard

I almost forgot all about my favorite asian Tila Tequila , where the hell has she been hiding? Here she is looking pretty sexy outside the Sirius Radio studios before an appearance on Howard Stern. It’s nice to see that she hasn’t gotten all fat or pregnant or anything like that. Shouldn’t she be in porn by now? I bet Howard got her to talk about her vagina.

Tila Tequila Cleans Up Pretty Nicely

I’m kind of impressed with these pictures of Tila Tequila , she looks pretty good, clean and sober and pretty damn sexy. I have no proof that she’s actually clean and sober, I’m just saying she looks good, she could be as high as a kite for all I know. Anyhow, here she is at some premiere last night in her little white dress. She looks good and all, but what I liked about this chick was that she would always wear trashy outfits with her fake boobs hanging out. I miss that girl.

Tila Tequila And Her Fancy Breasts

Here’s everyone’s favorite attention whore Tila Tequila leaving rocker Dave Navarro’s apartment the other night in her blue Lamborghini . I’m shocked that a woman of her class and stature would be associated with a rock star and turn up at his apartment late at night. What a hussy, I expected more from this chick…. Actually that’s a lie, I expected a whole lot less from this maniac. Her boobs look good though.