Tag Archives: stepford-wife

Gas Station Mayhem and Other Vides of the Day

Bus Stop Princess Drunk Polish Dude Hanging On a Fence Australian Crocodile Rider Naked in Russia Insane U-Turn of the Day Vegas Shooting Lap Dog Lizard Motorcycle VS Bus Shelter Woman VS Armed Robber The post Gas Station Mayhem and Other Vides of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gas Station Mayhem and Other Vides of the Day

Trying to See Katie Holmes Asshole of the Day

I know the chances of Katie Holmes having an asshole are slim to none, if anything, it is probably her plug to charge her, I mean where else would you put a Robot’s charging port… But I still think this white trash, acid wash, early 90s hooker outfit, and ass flash, is worth staring at, even a day later, not because I am a fan of Katie Holmes, or was one of the virgin losers who watched Dawson’s Creek and thought she was great….I am not even fascinated by her being a stepford wife in Scientology, who escaped alive, despite holding onto so many secrets worth a lot of money…. I just like trailer trash, and rich and famous people who channel that… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Trying to See Katie Holmes Asshole of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Trying to See Katie Holmes Asshole of the Day

The Hills Preview: Speidi is Losing it

The first season of The Hills seems like … well, five seasons ago. Back then, when Heidi Montag was the bubbly, slightly annoying but harmless BFF of Lauren Conrad, things made sense. Times were easier, and they were good. Fast forward to May 2010 and the surgically enhanced Stepford Wife knockoff can’t barely move her face to utter MTV’s fake dialogue after all those operations. In tonight’s episode, Heidi gives Spencer Pratt what seems like a pleasant greeting: “Hi honey! Good to see you!” Only she sounds like a robotic, Barbie cyborg. Having hired a planner to arrange a party for Enzo, the little kid MTV hired to give her baby fever last season, Heidi Montag must still be hurting from surgery. Heidi and Spencer Pratt visited a U.S. Marine Corps base earlier this week. Sadly, they were not part of target practice. [Photo: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com] Seriously, the girl’s face cannot move. At. All. Meanwhile, Spencer Pratt’s crystals (see last week’s episode ) clearly aren’t working, as he’s about to blow a gasket. These two are losing it. However much money Enzo’s parents got paid to subject their child to Speidi, it wasn’t nearly enough. What party theme could possibly be worse for a little kid? Okay, maybe One Night with Lindsay Lohan, Tiger Woods’ Cocktail Waitress Paradise and The Tattooed White Power Regions of Michelle McGee would be worse. Follow the jump for a clip from tonight’s episode of The Hills … Enzo’s Birthday

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The Hills Preview: Speidi is Losing it