If you are wondering why I’m posting these Keira Knightley pics that are not nude in a movie , not in a bikini, not showing a little pussy lip in some weird unauthorized fan comic ….not STRADDLING A MOTOR BIKE ….I don’t have the fucking answer. I’m thinking it was the leather spread legs pic that got me, or maybe that I thought she was Kate Beckinsale and was ready to talk to the virgin losers in our group about how hot her mom body is….hot enough to not make any fucking sense….that’s how hot… But instead….it’s the Pirates skinny chick no one cares about…. I say oops, but you should know by now just how bad I am at this blogging shit. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US
Read the original here:
Keira Knightley in Interview Magazine of the Day