Tag Archives: still-hanging

Top Ten Elizabeths

On this day in 1953, Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation was held, and she’s still hanging tough after all these years! In honor of this occasion, we’re looking at ten of our favorite nude actresses named Elizabeth, all of whom have delivered the goods on screen!… read more

See the rest here:
Top Ten Elizabeths

Britney Spears Booty Bikini Pictures

I’ve got to say I’m loving the fact that Britney Spears is still on vacation and is still hanging out in her little bikini. We’ve been getting all kinds of sexy looks at her so It’s nice to see her showing off her little booty and sweet tanned body. Love it. tanned chicks in bikinis are awesome, I’d like to order two of these please. Actually, make the second one asian. more pictures of Britney Spears here

The Gossip Girl Pun Index: Moving Pieces on the Board

With only two episodes left in the season, Gossip Girl has finally decided to let its characters in on most of the season’s big secrets. So: Jenny’s drug-dealing past has finally been brought to Rufus’ attention; Rufus’ possible infidelities have been brought to Serena’s attention; Vanessa’s three-month internship with CNN has been brought to Dan’s attention; and William’s feelings for Lilly have been brought to everyone’s attention. Though Lilly’s fake cancer diagnosis (tip: Don’t trust your doctor if he’s your ex-husband and still in love with you) is still hanging over the show like a cloud of Chanel perfume. Still, for an episode so ripe with set-up, Gossip Girl herself kept the puns to a minimum. Maybe this should be the Gossip Girl Witticism Index instead? Click ahead for the fun.

Read the original here:
The Gossip Girl Pun Index: Moving Pieces on the Board

Couples Watch: Lindsay & Sam, Brad & Angelina …

• Looks like they’re still hanging out! A bubbly Lindsay Lohan joined Samantha Ronson at her table outside the Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood after midnight. (Earlier, the two took in the “American Idols Live!” tour stop at the Staples Center.) Lohan left a table of her own friends to join her deejay ex, who had asked for Lohan by name when she arrived. The actress was openly affectionate as she spent the night leaning into Ronson and hanging on her every word

Original post:
Couples Watch: Lindsay & Sam, Brad & Angelina …