Tag Archives: strategic-girl

Avirl Lavigne in Some Magazine of the Day

Avril Lavigne is impregnated with the spawn of Satan/Nickelback, who is actually too pussy to actually be Satan, but rather a horrible joke Satan played on the world in the form of the worst possible music that I guess someone out there likes, for some fucking strange reason, because otherwise they wouldn’t be huge successes…not that there is a satan, but there is no way that Nickelback wasn’t created in a every evil place with evil intentions…or maybe it was a joke…because the thought of a dude rocking’ out to any of their songs is actually pretty hilarious to me…but none of that matters, because like Jews, Canadians like to keep their seen in their own, at least when you’re a 40 year old sexual predator who has targeted a bitch since she was 14 to one day father your kids, devoting years of brainwashing work like that Castro dude…reminding us all that persistence is key..break a bitch down…be there through her divorce…hold her hand until she says “all other dudes are assholes, I’m gonna go with the one who just makes asshole music for assholes”…. Who cares, she did some Magazine, it isn’t hot…and now she’s ruined, despite still dressing like a suburban mall teen mom…running into hot topic… All this to say, I just all girls by the penis they put inside them…

See original here:
Avirl Lavigne in Some Magazine of the Day

Straight from the Bed of Miley Cyrus of the Day

Miley Cyrus posted a picture from her bed, which I guess could be a very exciting thing, because Miley is a strategic girl who knows exactly how to milk it to be the more relevant performer when she’s performing. Disney trains their girls right. They work hard, they get the hustle, they have teams of people who create pop and trends for idiots like you to buy, and ultimately, I kinda love her for that…and her hot little body she doesn’t mind showing off, even if her ass is a little deflated…. This picture could be so much better, because so many good things happen to a girl in bed….but it could be so much worse…because Miley lets those things happen to her from a gang of thug rappers…a fetish I have not yet embraced… But I’ll look at everything she produces, not because she’s a genius, but because I like it…even when she cries. She’s the host of SNL this week…here’s the promo….I guess to remind us that SNL still exists…

Excerpt from:
Straight from the Bed of Miley Cyrus of the Day