Tag Archives: strategy-leak

Micky By Kid Richards Exclusive of the Day

Kid Richards not to be confused with Keith Richards, is a film photographer from Portugal, who takes pictures with film, which is a confusing concept to photographers who only take pictures with digital cameras….now that digital cameras cost all of 300 dollars and allow you to take really glossy high resolution pictures with zero to no fucking skill…turning everyone into a photographer…leaving actual photographers in the dust…because like anything, the general public doesn’t care about good…they care about whatever is popular… Her was nice enough to give us these pics as an exclusive…of Micky…who unlike the mouse….is hot as fuck…

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Micky By Kid Richards Exclusive of the Day

Kim Kardashian Bare Ass for Love Magazine of the Day

Kim Kardashian has figured out that the follow up to the sex tape, was to have a few failed marriages and a kid, because it would distract people from the sex tape, until they stopped caring about her, when all she ever wanted and all she ever knew was people caring about her…. So she shows her ass in fashion magazines, it went viral, they proclaimed it broke the internet, when really it just broke our souls… And she’s back at it, because she loves the attention her ass gets and mooning is her new marketing hook… There was a strategy leak, and not the kind that we’d encourage, like from one of her ass implants, but instead just of her ass from a creepy angle… The magazine comes out February 9. Here’s a preview: VIA LOVE MAGAZINE

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Kim Kardashian Bare Ass for Love Magazine of the Day

Kim Kardashian Bare Ass for Love Magazine of the Day

Kim Kardashian has figured out that the follow up to the sex tape, was to have a few failed marriages and a kid, because it would distract people from the sex tape, until they stopped caring about her, when all she ever wanted and all she ever knew was people caring about her…. So she shows her ass in fashion magazines, it went viral, they proclaimed it broke the internet, when really it just broke our souls… And she’s back at it, because she loves the attention her ass gets and mooning is her new marketing hook… There was a strategy leak, and not the kind that we’d encourage, like from one of her ass implants, but instead just of her ass from a creepy angle… The magazine comes out February 9. Here’s a preview: VIA LOVE MAGAZINE

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Kim Kardashian Bare Ass for Love Magazine of the Day