Tag Archives: creepy-angle

Brooke Burke Junk in the Trunk of the Day

One thing I hate about mainstream media is the shitty, clever, bullshit puns that they apply to their stories… Like looking at this Brooke Burke digging through the junk in her trunk, while wearing leggings, that would make someone, like a dad, say “look at her junk in her trunk”….leading me to use it as the headline…making me just as pathetic, uncreative, and lame as them…everything I always hated…I have become.. But in my defence, Brooke Burke doesn’t inspire me to tell stories of partying around the world like she did for a cable network, before settling down and having a bunch of kids…probably because she settled down and had a bunch of kids…making her, even if still kinda hot like her Playboy past, a married mom…no one should care about…and probably don’t….but she’s got junk in her trunk. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Brooke Burke Junk in the Trunk of the Day

Gwen Stefani and Sarah Hyland for Cosmo of the Day

Gwen Stefani and Sarah Hyland did Cosmo. They probably have nothing to do with one another….but they are in the same issue…so maybe that means they are Cosmo issue sisters…if that is a thing…which I doubt it is, but should be… Now, I don’t know what the fuck I am talking about, or why, I just know that Cosmo teaches young girls how to fuck, because instead of it’s intended purpose of being an opinion magazine, it became smut in the 70s, which snowballed while teaching girls how to snowball… That said, Here’s Gwen Stefani: And Here’s Sarah Hyland: Don’t ask me why, because I am so not interested in this for so many reasons….let me list 10 of them… 1- I didn’t like Gwen Stefani when she was young and famous, I thought she was a man. 2- I have never seen an episode of modern family. 3- Sarah Hyland creeps me the fuck out with her weird underdeveloped tween face 4- Sarah Hyland gets restraining orders, I hate girls like that 5- Gwen Stefani’s husband fucks me, so maybe he thought she was a man too. 6- These pics aren’t spread eagled or lesbian sex filled 7- fuck this top 10 list….up the ass like it was Gwen Stefani’s husband.

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Gwen Stefani and Sarah Hyland for Cosmo of the Day

Micky By Kid Richards Exclusive of the Day

Kid Richards not to be confused with Keith Richards, is a film photographer from Portugal, who takes pictures with film, which is a confusing concept to photographers who only take pictures with digital cameras….now that digital cameras cost all of 300 dollars and allow you to take really glossy high resolution pictures with zero to no fucking skill…turning everyone into a photographer…leaving actual photographers in the dust…because like anything, the general public doesn’t care about good…they care about whatever is popular… Her was nice enough to give us these pics as an exclusive…of Micky…who unlike the mouse….is hot as fuck…

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Micky By Kid Richards Exclusive of the Day

Micky By Kid Richards Exclusive of the Day

Kid Richards not to be confused with Keith Richards, is a film photographer from Portugal, who takes pictures with film, which is a confusing concept to photographers who only take pictures with digital cameras….now that digital cameras cost all of 300 dollars and allow you to take really glossy high resolution pictures with zero to no fucking skill…turning everyone into a photographer…leaving actual photographers in the dust…because like anything, the general public doesn’t care about good…they care about whatever is popular… Her was nice enough to give us these pics as an exclusive…of Micky…who unlike the mouse….is hot as fuck…

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Micky By Kid Richards Exclusive of the Day

Heather Graham in a Bikini of the Day

Heather Graham is old now. I’m going to go watch Boogie Nights…and remember the good days…the big tits, the 70s bush…the fresh face with her big break….with excitement in her eyes…all bright eyed and ready for the celeberity she always wanted… Now she’s just working against gravity….and it’s depressing, or would be if there weren’t a million fucking young girls to replace her… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Heather Graham in a Bikini of the Day

Kim Kardashian Bare Ass for Love Magazine of the Day

Kim Kardashian has figured out that the follow up to the sex tape, was to have a few failed marriages and a kid, because it would distract people from the sex tape, until they stopped caring about her, when all she ever wanted and all she ever knew was people caring about her…. So she shows her ass in fashion magazines, it went viral, they proclaimed it broke the internet, when really it just broke our souls… And she’s back at it, because she loves the attention her ass gets and mooning is her new marketing hook… There was a strategy leak, and not the kind that we’d encourage, like from one of her ass implants, but instead just of her ass from a creepy angle… The magazine comes out February 9. Here’s a preview: VIA LOVE MAGAZINE

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Kim Kardashian Bare Ass for Love Magazine of the Day

Kim Kardashian Bare Ass for Love Magazine of the Day

Kim Kardashian has figured out that the follow up to the sex tape, was to have a few failed marriages and a kid, because it would distract people from the sex tape, until they stopped caring about her, when all she ever wanted and all she ever knew was people caring about her…. So she shows her ass in fashion magazines, it went viral, they proclaimed it broke the internet, when really it just broke our souls… And she’s back at it, because she loves the attention her ass gets and mooning is her new marketing hook… There was a strategy leak, and not the kind that we’d encourage, like from one of her ass implants, but instead just of her ass from a creepy angle… The magazine comes out February 9. Here’s a preview: VIA LOVE MAGAZINE

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Kim Kardashian Bare Ass for Love Magazine of the Day