Tag Archives: student-sues

Is Your Prom Photo More Embarrassing Than John Krasinski’s? [Memories]

We all have embarrassing prom photos, and here’s one of John Krasinski of The Office that a friend of Gawker sent in. It’s not that embarrassing—for a prom photo. Is yours worse? You can win a prize! More

Student Sues College for Having Her Committed Over Hidden Cam [College]

Chinemerem Eze, a Nigerian national attending Brooklyn College , believed that her landlord had hidden a camera in her apartment. When she asked school officials for help, they shipped her off to a psychiatric ward. Then she found the camera. More

Student Sues College for Having Her Committed Over Hidden Cam [College]

Chinemerem Eze, a Nigerian national attending Brooklyn College , believed that her landlord had hidden a camera in her apartment. When she asked school officials for help, they shipped her off to a psychiatric ward. Then she found the camera. More