Ernest Borgnine, a veteran actor who took home the Academy Award for his portrayal of a butcher in the 1955 film Marty, passed away of renal failure today. He was 95. According to the Associated Press, the star was surrounded by close family members Cedars-Sinai Medical Center at the time of his death. Borgnine starred on the big screen and in television for sixty years, with a memorable turn on McHale’s Navy from 1962-1966. He was a real-life veteran who served for 10 years in the actual Navy, fighting in World War II and rising to the rank of Gunner’s Mate 1st Class. Other famous roles include The Poseidon Adventure , From Here to Eternity and The Wild Bunch . Our thoughts go out to his loved ones.
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Ernest Borgnine, Oscar-Winning Actor, Dead at 95