Tag Archives: suicide-hotline

Madonna Points Gun to Head on Stage in London

Madonna. Is she a revolutionary, provocative entertainer? Or an aging act desperate for attention? This question has been posed over the last couple weeks, as the Material Girl has gone to unusually extreme lengths on stage during various concerts. She mooned a crowd in Rome. She purposely slipped a nip in Istanbul. She cried in Berlin . She’s facing a lawsuit for flashing a Swastika over the face of a politician in Paris. And, last night in London, she pulled out a gun and pointed it at her cranium during the single “Gang Bang.” Following the controversy over Lindsay Lohan’s recent gun-toting spread – the national suicide hotline referred to that act as “grossly irresponsible,” considering the troubled individuals who pull the trigger in real life – it’s safe to assume Madonna will also come under fire now for the maneuver. Should she? What do you make of this loaded gesture?

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Madonna Points Gun to Head on Stage in London

Meghan McCain Uses Twitter Like She Was TIla Tequila of the Day

Meghan McCain used the internet the way it is meant to be used and that’s by taking “sexy” pics of your dyke self posing with your shitty book nobody cares about, in hopes that every media outlet picks up the story and draws interest to your book because riding your dad’s name and your mom’s beer money hasn’t worked enough for your liking….it’s a typical cry for attention that you see bottom feeders like Tila Tequila and Aubry O’Day hustle, it’s the basis of Paris Hilton’s career, and the whole thing is pretty fuckin’ obvious, ideally, I’d like to see her fisting her fat dyke pussy, but I guess that’s too much to ask, she’s got an image to maintain. On the positive side of things, she has threatened to stop using twitter, but we all know if you really want to stop using twitter, you just stop using it, and you don’t threaten to stop using it, like a suicidal person calling a suicide hotline, who never actually wanted to kill himself, but wanted to talk to someone since all his friends dropped his whining ass.

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Meghan McCain Uses Twitter Like She Was TIla Tequila of the Day