Tag Archives: supposed-victim

The-Dream on Chris Brown-Rihanna Duets: Her Idea!

Chris Brown and Rihanna raised more than a few eyebrows this week with their remixes of her hit “Birthday Cake” and his “Turn Up the Music” this week. Those two surprise collaborations have been followed by rumors that the singers may soon be collaborating in other ways, if you know what we mean. We mean sexually. If you’re wondering who put the reunion in motion (musically, that is), The-Dream, who produced the “Birthday Cake” remix , would know: Rihanna. “It was Rih’s idea,” he tells Billboard . “[Rihanna] is a friend of mine.” “It’s like, ‘You wanna do something? Then cool, let’s do it.’ I don’t know how she got the logistics, how it happened; maybe she’ll talk about it one day.” “I showed up at the studio, and it was like, ‘All right, cool, let’s finish this record,’ which we probably should have finished the first time we did it.” According to The-Dream, he approached the project solely on its musical merits and ditched any of the controversial baggage that may come with it. “For me, it’s just music: two talented people doing two records together, that’s what it was,” he says. “It wasn’t about an incident that happened.” He does acknowledge that the remixes’ controversy, however … “I think [the topic] that should be more on the tongues is: How do we proclaim to be a nation of forgiving … but we can’t actually do it?” he asks. “It actually makes you look weaker than your adversary, in a way, if you don’t have the power to forgive but you lie and say that you did.” “If [Rihanna] can forgive,” he says of Brown’s assault on her three years ago, “that’s where she is mentally. As a friend, it’s like, ‘OK, cool. Let’s roll.'” Fair. But do you think it’s smart for Rih and Chris to date again?

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The-Dream on Chris Brown-Rihanna Duets: Her Idea!

Arizona CNN GOP Debate Highlights: Ron Paul Style!

As has become our post-debate tradition, here’s a highlight reel of last night’s Republican CNN gathering in Arizona … featuring Ron Paul and only Ron Paul. He may be marginalized by the mainstream media, but he’s shown no signs of quitting the GOP race, and was dishing it out left and right Wednesday. Like a boss. In particular, Paul took it to Rick Santorum so hard over his federal spending record, some are speculating that he made an alliance with Mitt Romney . It’s probably just that – speculation – but make no mistake, the Texas Congressman was on his game at last night’s Republican debate . Take a look: Ron Paul Highlights: Arizona Republican Debate

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Arizona CNN GOP Debate Highlights: Ron Paul Style!

Chris Brown Accused of Cell Phone Theft; Warrant Issued For Singer’s Arrest

A warrant for Chris Brown’s arrest is being prepared by the Florida State’s Attorney’s office Thursday after he allegedly stole a woman’s phone. Seriously. The supposed victim recently filed a police report against him, according to Deborah Doty, the public information officer for the Miami Police Department. “An incident report was filed against Mr. Brown, and the Florida State Attorney’s Office will be issuing a warrant for his arrest this afternoon,” she said . “I can’t tell you what time, but it will be today.” Chris Brown, whose remixes and relationship with Rihanna are making all kinds of news, is accused of snatching Chrital Spann’s cell phone outside a club. As he sat in a Bentley after exiting a nightclub, the police report states that Spann snapped a picture of Chris Brown chilling in the back of the car. That is when Brown allegedly snatched the phone, which he did not give back (obviously) and told Spann, “B!tch, you ain’t giving this to no website.” Eloquent, Chris Brown. Eloquent. The star, who is currently on probation, has not commented, nor has his attorney, Mark Geragos. Stay tuned. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Chris Brown Accused of Cell Phone Theft; Warrant Issued For Singer’s Arrest