Tag Archives: sure-the-little

Instagram Model Kendall Jenner Does The Boring LOVE Magazine Advent Shoot

First it was Bella Hadid , now it’s  Kendall Jenner ‘s turn to do her own boring video for LOVE Magazine ‘s annual hottie advent calendar. I guess instead of a Christmas theme this year, they decided to go with a rich kid/fake model theme? Anyway, I know we’re all supposed to pretend these girls are the future of fashion or whatever, but I’m sorry, they’re ruining the modeling industry. I thought these LOVE videos were supposed to be sexy, but I’m pretty sure the Little Tuna just fell asleep.

Continued here:
Instagram Model Kendall Jenner Does The Boring LOVE Magazine Advent Shoot

Charlotte McKinney Works It For Valentine’s Day

Sorry Kate Upton and Hailey Clauson , but I’m pretty sure Charlotte McKinney just became my #1 new favorite busty blonde with this latest photoshoot of her playing nurse. Because I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure the Little Tuna went into shock after these pictures. So I’m really hoping Charlotte makes house calls, because us bloggers have notoriously bad health insurance plans.

Follow this link:
Charlotte McKinney Works It For Valentine’s Day

Balloon Boy Hoax? Falcon Heene Busts Parents

Call us crazy, but before reporting our six-year-old was missing (or had up and floated away in a balloon), we might first look around our damn house. That seems like a logical way to make sure the little guy were really on the thing before reporting it and sparking an insane, expensive media frenzy

See the article here:
Balloon Boy Hoax? Falcon Heene Busts Parents