Tag Archives: suspected-drug

Did Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson Call Off Their Engagement?

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Source: Patricia Schlein/WENN.com / WENN Another celeb couple bites the dust, as Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson  reportedly call it quits. According to TMZ , Grande and Davidson called off their engagement this weekend, “with both parties acknowledging that it simply was not the right time for their relationship to take off.” However, TMZ’s sources did add that “ the two aren’t ruling out the possibility of anything in the future.” The two only dated a few weeks before announcing their engagement earlier this year in May. Grande has been struggling after the death of her ex-boyfriend Mac Miller due to a suspected drug overdose on September 7th. Grande and Davidson have yet to conform their split publicly.

Did Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson Call Off Their Engagement?

Drug War Sends Bullets Over Border Into El Paso City Hall

;_ylt=Ami0C1nq6Jgkv1JsabOnCWW9IxIF;_ylu=X3oDMTNlcDNodDVnBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwODI1L3VzX2RydWdfd2FyX3N0cmF5X2J1bGxldHMEY2NvZGUDbW9zdHBvcHVsYXIEY3BvcwM1BHBvcwM1BHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcmllcwRzbGsDZHJ1Z3dhcnNlbmRz The first bullets struck El Paso's city hall at the end of a work day. The next ones hit a university building and closed a major highway. Shootouts in the drug war along the U.S.-Mexico border are sending bullets whizzing across the Rio Grande into one of the nation's safest cities, where authorities worry it's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt or killed. At least eight bullets have been fired into El Paso in the last few weeks from the rising violence in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, one of the world's most dangerous places. And all American police can do is shrug because they cannot legally intervene in a war in another country. The best they can do is warn people to stay inside. “There's really not a lot you can do right now,” El Paso County Sheriff Richard Wiles said. “Those gun battles are breaking out everywhere, and some are breaking out right along the border.” Police say the rounds were not intentionally fired into the U.S. But wildly aimed gunfire has become common in Juarez, a sprawling city of shanty neighborhoods that once boomed with manufacturing plants. It's ground zero in Mexico's relentless drug war. More than 6,000 people have been killed there since 2008, when the Sinaloa and Juarez cartels started battling each other and Mexican authorities for control of the city and smuggling routes into the U.S. Nationwide, more than 28,000 people have been killed since President Felipe Calderon launched his offensive against the cartels shortly after taking office in December 2006. Until now, communities on the U.S. side of the border have been largely shielded from the violence raging just across the river. But the recent incidents are the first time that live ammunition has landed in American territory. On Saturday, as gunmen and Mexican authorities exchanged gunfire in Juarez, police in El Paso shut down several miles of border highway. Border Patrol spokesman Doug Mosier said his agency asked for the closure — a first since the drug war erupted — “in the interest of public safety.” No one was injured on the U.S. side, but one bullet came across the Rio Grande, crashed through a window and lodged in an office door frame at the University of Texas at El Paso. Police are also investigating reports that another errant round shattered a window in a passing car. Witnesses at a nearby charity said at least one bullet hit their building, too. El Paso police spokesman Darrel Petry said authorities have only confirmed the single bullet found at the university, but it is possible that several other shots flew across the border. “As a local municipality, we are doing everything we can,” Petry said. “Looking where we're at, the community we live in, that's all we've got. It's the reality of life here in El Paso for right now.” Officers say the types of bullets used in the drug war can travel more than a mile before falling to the ground. In Saturday's shooting, the bullet that hit the campus building may have flown just under a mile before lodging in a door jam. Back in June, at least seven shots fired from Juarez flew more than half a mile before hitting City Hall. In some places, El Paso is separated from Juarez by little more than a few yards of riverbed. Andrew Kunert was napping Saturday when police started banging on his door at an apartment building just feet from the border. He said officers with high-powered rifles slung across their chests warned him to stay inside and away from windows until the shooting stopped. The rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire to the south is nothing new, but bullets coming north is a worrisome new development, Kunert said. “About once a week, you can hear gunfire,” he said. He worries about the children who live at the Old Fort Bliss apartment building and routinely play outside when gunmen are trading shots across the river. At the Rescue Mission of El Paso, kitchen manager Bill Cox said several bullets hit a pair of old silos on the charity's property, which is down a hillside from the university campus. Volunteers and homeless people coming to the mission for food or other help could easily be in the line of fire, he said. “Someone can be walking down the street out here and be hit,” Cox said. added by: Omnomynous

Marines Find 72 Bodies In Northern Mexico

;_ylt=Amd0ZcvVQDBWMAalHVREySZH2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTM3Z2d0OGZxBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwODI1L2x0X2RydWdfd2FyX21leGljbwRjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wdWxhcgRjcG9zAzMEcG9zAzMEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yaWVzBHNsawNtYXJpbmVzZmluZDc- Mexican marines have found the bodies of 72 people at a rural location in northern Mexico, following a shootout with suspected drug cartel gunmen that left one marine and three suspects dead. The find appears to be the largest drug-cartel body dumping ground found in Mexico since President Felipe Calderon launched an offensive against drug trafficking in 2006. Mexican drug cartels often use vacant lots or mine shafts to dump the bodies of executed rivals or kidnap victims. The Navy announced the discovery Wednesday, but did not give details on the victim's identities, who had killed them, or whether the bodies had been buried. It was also unclear whether the 58 men and 14 women had been killed at the same time, or separately. added by: Omnomynous

Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas: The Outdated Photo Shoot

The July 2010 issue of Teen Vogue is a collector’s item. How come? Because it features a lengthy photo shoot and interview with Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas… even though these two broke up last month ! Fortunately, the singers remain good friends and got together for a second round of questions after their relationship fizzled. But it still makes for an interesting read when Lovato is asked how they originally got together and she replies: “One night I asked him, ‘What is the deal? We’re perfect for each other. What are you doing?’ And he was like, ‘This is really awkward. I have to go.'” Joe said he had to think it over, but returned to ask Demi out. Which would be a cuter story if the pair were still an item. To the stars’ credit, they are mature and open about their split. Says Joe: “When I met Demi, I knew right away that our friendship was really strong. I don’t want to lose that ever.” It doesn’t sound like he will, although Lovato admits “I kind of learned throughout this whole experience that having my private life public isn’t as awesome as it might seem.” Well, we’ll leave you two alone, with the exception of the following montage of photos from your magazine shoot. They’re too adorable to ignore:

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Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas: The Outdated Photo Shoot

Jennifer Capriati Rushed to Hospital, Recovering from Suspected Overdose

Former tennis star Jennifer Capriati was rushed to a Florida hospital yesterday, following a suspected drug overdose. According to TMZ, Capriati – who made her professional debut at the age of 13 and won three Grand Slam titles – was taken away by paramedics who responed to a call from a hotel in Riviera Beach. Her father says she is recovering well. Capriati was arrested for marijuana possession in 1994 and spent time in rehab before a return to tennis a couple years later. in July 2007, she left the game again and admitted to depression, saying: “When I stopped playing, that’s when all this came crumbling down. ‘If I don’t have [tennis], who am I? What am I? I was just alive because of this. I’ve had to ask, ‘Well, who is Jennifer? What if this is gone now?’ I can’t live off of this the rest of my life.'” We hope she finds the answers and makes a full recovery.

See the original post here:
Jennifer Capriati Rushed to Hospital, Recovering from Suspected Overdose

Coroner Mum, but Mom Says She’s Knows What Killed Corey Haim; Burial Set for Toronto

Yesterday, the Los Angeles Police Department said that Corey Haim’s death was likely the result of a suspected drug overdose. The Los Angeles County coroner isn’t ready to go on record…

See the article here:
Coroner Mum, but Mom Says She’s Knows What Killed Corey Haim; Burial Set for Toronto