Tag Archives: sweater-mounds

Porn Star Kim Kardashian’s Giant Booty Can’t Be Contained

As usual, my least favorite porn star Kim Kardashian went out parading her attention-seeking fat ass for the cameras again the other night, and all us bloggers fell for it. Sorry guys, but just when I thought I was out, that giant booty and those massive sweater mounds of hers pull me back in. Although to be fair, you should all know by now that I have zero willpower, so it’s not really my fault. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Porn Star Kim Kardashian’s Giant Booty Can’t Be Contained

Lucy Pinder’s NUTS Photoshoot Is Impressive!

Once again, Lucy Pinder is proving that she is the reigning UK Boob Queen in this latest NUTS magazine photoshoot. Lucy has been in the business for many years and like a fine wine, she gets better as she ages. There are many British up-and-comers who are trying to dethrone her, but I have a feeling that they have their work cut out for them. Lucy is here to stay and as long as she keeps showing us her impressive sweater mounds, there’s no stopping her.

Amanda Seyfried Busts Out Of Her Dress

After those pictures of Isla Fisher at the Les Miserables premiere we had earlier, here’s the main event: Amanda Seyfried . For a girl who usually keeps her cleavage hidden, this is a pretty rare occasion, like a solar eclipse, or me putting on pants before 3 PM. So make sure to really take it all in, because it could be a while before we see this again. I’ll break out the champagne I’ve been saving. » view all 44 photos Related Articles: Amanda Seyfried Hides Her Sweater Mounds Amanda Seyfried Shows Off The Puppies Amanda Seyfried’s Legs Go On Forever Amanda Seyfried Works It In Her Spandex Photos: WENN.com

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Amanda Seyfried Busts Out Of Her Dress

Amy Childs’ Sweet Sweater Mounds

I know it might seem weird to see Amy Childs just out casually walking around instead of actively promoting or selling something, but don’t underestimate her. You see, thanks to those massive sweater mounds of hers, Amy’s currently selling the hell out of that shirt she’s wearing. Just be warned ladies, these results aren’t typical. Related Articles: Amy Childs Is My Kind Of Lady Amy Childs Hides Her Only Talents Amy Childs’ Big Breasts In A Little Top Amy Childs Works Her Impressive Figure Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Amy Childs’ Sweet Sweater Mounds

Amanda Seyfried Works It For Me

I normally complain about Amanda Seyfried wearing silly outfits that hide her secret big boobs, but I’ve got to say that today’s outfit is really working for me. It’s nothing all that special, but she somehow makes it look really hot. Maybe it’s the amount of skin she’s showing or the way the sun is hitting her big breasts just right, but I’m getting a special feeling in my sweatpants. Thank you.

Amanda Seyfried Pumps It For Me

I’m beginning to think that Amanda Seyfried is embarrassed by her great big breasts, I know they’re under there somewhere, but she always seems to cover them up. What the hell girl? Let those things out. Luckily she doesn’t have a problem wearing a nice pair of short shorts while she pumps some gas. I’m kind of liking these shots, there’s just something about that that gets my motor going, but a bikini top would definitely take them to the next level. #underratedhottie

JWoWW’s Big Disappointed Breasts In Spandex

I kind of feel bad for JWoWW , here she is thinking she’s going to do a Jersey Shore spin off with her midget friend filled with booze and partying and good times, and she ends up doing a show about what not to do when you’re pregnant. Poor thing. Here she is walking around Jersey city with her giant breasts securely tucked away in her tight spandex outfit. Who’s going to watch this show? Seriously, JWoWW’s goint to have to show some serious boobage each episode for this to stay on the air.

Holly Valance Covers Ups The Goods

Remember Holly Valance ? I’m pretty sure I used to post her on the site for some reason, I think she was one of those British chicks who rose to fame by having her picture taken with her boobs out in some trashy newspaper Rupert Murdoch owned, but I could be thinking of someone else. Anyway, here she is looking pretty sexy with her top on at some party for lotion in London. No really, it’s a party for something called Eight Hour Cream by Elizabeth Arden… Sounds dirty, I like it.

Holly Valance Covers Ups The Goods

Remember Holly Valance ? I’m pretty sure I used to post her on the site for some reason, I think she was one of those British chicks who rose to fame by having her picture taken with her boobs out in some trashy newspaper Rupert Murdoch owned, but I could be thinking of someone else. Anyway, here she is looking pretty sexy with her top on at some party for lotion in London. No really, it’s a party for something called Eight Hour Cream by Elizabeth Arden… Sounds dirty, I like it.

Sophia Bush’s Little Melons Fall Out

I’m not all that familiar with this Sophia Bush chick, I get the feeling she was on one of those shows on the CW that males don’t watch, but I am familiar with cleavage and she’s dropping a pretty decent amount so I’m posting her. Maybe some of you enjoy watching a sexy b-list celebrity do her groceries, but I’m all about the little melons falling out of her boring sweater. Is that a rape whistle around her neck?