On a sidenote, I had no idea the Emmy’s were on. Maybe because I don’t have a TV, but probably because the Emmy’s fucking suck….even when Christina Hendricks wears push-up bras to make her tits look ridiculous and the rest of her as lean as she can… Sure she’s got huge tits, but I still think she looks like a dude, or an alien, or a robot, or something I have no interest in having sex with just because she has big tits….I’ve always been one of those dudes who wouldn’t fuck a pig of a woman by choice, or sober, just because she had big tits, and even when I was fucking them, I’d know what I was doing was disgusting and against all I stood for, even though she had nice big tits…if anything those nice big tits were just a vehicle for me to cum, by blocking out everything else about the bitch, and I kinda feel the same way about this Hendricks girl, who is totally overrated….but who has totally huge tits. Totally. Either way, she won something….at what I assume are now called the Golden Globes….get what I did there? I replaced one award show with another cuz it suited her big tits. Genius….but seriously…this tits are ridiculous…they aren’t on another planet, they are another planet… I gotta stop this post….too many bad jokes in too few words…

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Christina Hendricks Stupid Tits at the Emmy Awards of the Day
Posted in Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged celeb news, christina hendricks, everything-else, feel-the-same, golden-globes, hendricks, Hollywood, idea-the-emmy, long-as-she, Nsfw, Sex, stars, syncing-joke, total-faggot