We’ve got another promo pic for Miley Cyrus ‘ new music video “We Can’t Stop,” and somehow it’s even better than the first . I don’t watch many music videos these days because it’s not the ’90s anymore, but I’m definitely looking forward to this one. In fact, I think I might even have to take the day off when it comes out. You know, just to make sure I can give it my full, undivided attention. I’ll probably want to watch the video a good 10-15 times, or until I start chafing. Related Articles: Miley Cyrus Nude Pictures Leaked? Miley Cyrus Breast To Impress Miley Cyrus Topless In V Magazine Pictures Are Out Of This World Miley Cyrus Bikini Picture
On Wednesday after school in April, we went down to The Intercontinental where we thought Justin was staying because we thought he arrived. We were in the city for about 6 hours looking for Biebs when he didn’t even arrive, awkward. Anyways the next day, our parents let us take the day off for Justin’s concert and it was the most exciting thing ever to get ready to see our boy in the flesh! We went down to Acer around 12:00 and just waited to hopefully see Justin ride around on his segway. That didn’t happen. Anyways there were thousands of girls outside waiting to get in Acer Arena and as soon as the doors opened, it was Biebermania. Luckily we had front row tickets and as soon as the timer hit 0:00, our life goal was complete. We saw him less than 1 meter away but that wasn’t good enough. (Btw Justin killed his performance with Chris Brown) The next day seemed pretty depressing because we were attending the second concert but had really bad tickets. Me and Patty got there early because Patty’s sister and her friends were going into the meet & greets with Justin. As they lined up and got their pink wristbands, our hearts dropped in jealously. We went to go to the loading dock hopefully to see Justin arrive once again. BUT THAN WE GOT A CALL FROM PATTYS SISTER SAYING JBSOURCE GOT US TICKETS TO GO INSIDE TO MEET JUSTIN! We couldn’t believe it. When we were in the M&G, we didn’t say anything to him because we were so shocked and it was just so amazing. That is our Bieber experience and it’s all because of a kid who grew up in a small town in Canada with a population of 30,000. View post: On Wednesday after school in April, we went down to The…
Here is Nicole Scherzinger hosting a Labor Day party with her cleavage in a tight dress….and it’s safe to say it is because all the real celebs were busy…and the time and a half stuatory holiday pay wasn’t enough for them to take time away from their long weekend…forcing promoters to book the low level trash, we call them the second string, to come in and take their place…..I mean you see this in all businesses open on Labor Day….it’s always the new girl, the half retarded girl, the person with a gambling problem who doesn’t take the day off because they need the work, they want to prove themselves, they have nothing better to do cuz they are the second string in all aspects of life….but at least she’s showing off body…