Tag Archives: television-ads

Paul ad target rivals, including Romney, in Washington state


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(CNN) – Ron Paul announced Wednesday he was launching television ads in Washington state and Vermont, two states he hopes will give him his first win in the 2012 GOP nominating process. The 60 second spot running in Washington slams his rivals as uniformly non-conservative, and includes a scathing critique of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Political Ticker Discovery Date : 29/02/2012 05:38 Number of articles : 4

Paul ad target rivals, including Romney, in Washington state

Three New iPhone 4S Ads Released


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Apple has released three new television ads for the iPhone 4S. Each is impressive. Three New iPhone 4S Ads Released is a story by AppAdvice.com AppAdvice – iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Apple iPhone Apps Discovery Date : 30/10/2011 16:53 Number of articles : 2

Three New iPhone 4S Ads Released

Here Come the Birther Commercials… New Ads to Run Questioning Obama’s Eligibility


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It looks like Donald Trump gave a bold new voice to the birther movement… A series of television ads are now in production that question Barack Obama’s eligibility as President of the United States. World Net Daily reported: Two-time No. … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 28/03/2011 06:11 Number of articles : 2

Here Come the Birther Commercials… New Ads to Run Questioning Obama’s Eligibility

Senate Finance Committee drops Dem health goals, including public option

After weeks of secretive talks, a bipartisan group in the Senate edged closer Monday to a health care compromise that omits a requirement for businesses to offer coverage to their workers and lacks a government insurance option that President Barack Obama favors, according to numerous officials.

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Senate Finance Committee drops Dem health goals, including public option