‘I basically changed into a tennis outfit, and I got down,’ he tells MTV News of ‘Giving Up the Gun’ cameo. By James Montgomery, with reporting by Vanessa White Wolf Jake Gyllenhaal Photo: MTV News Vampire Weekend’s “Giving Up the Gun” video is a smorgasbord of thoroughly WTF cameos — everyone from Joe Jonas to Lil Jon shows up at one point or another — but perhaps no guest star is as perplexing as Jake Gyllenhaal. After all, with a relatively huge summer movie to promote (the swords-n-sandals epic “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” ), you’d think he’d have better things to do with his time. Turns out, nothing could be further from the truth. “That was just amazing, because I love that band, and I love their first album, and I had recently just got their second album,” Gyllenhaal told MTV News. “I got a call from the directors, who are friends of mine … and they were like, ‘We’re doing this thing, and we heard you’re a big fan of the band. We didn’t know if you wanted to come down.’ I was actually in San Francisco, and they were shooting it in Los Angeles, and they were like, ‘We’re shooting it this evening,’ so I said, ‘All right, I’m there.’ So I drove down from San Francisco to this soundstage in downtown L.A., and I basically changed into a tennis outfit, and I got down.” In the clip, Gyllenhaal plays a hard-swinging, even harder-boozing tennis pro, a role that, surprisingly, wasn’t that much of a stretch for the Oscar-nominated actor. “Well, that’s the only way anyone’s going to beat me, if I’m that wasted,” he joked. “They call me, like, the John McEnroe of action films.” And though, yes, he does have a film to promote, Gyllenhaal said he’d drop everything if the guys from Vampire Weekend came calling again. Just as long as “Gun” co-stars Jonas, Jon and the RZA are involved. After all, he’s old pals with all of them. “It was really fun. I met the band and hung out with them. They’re all really cool guys … and the Jonas Brothers, the RZA and Lil Jon, we all usually chill anyway,” he laughed. “Actually, we were up in San Francisco, and I was like, ‘You guys, do you want to come down with me?’ And Lil Jon was like, ‘I’m busy,’ and I was like, ‘Come on, man, get in the car!’ So we all chilled out, listened to the whole album, and the RZA was dope. He was great. He sat shotgun, because that’s where he likes to sit usually. … We all hang out because we’re all really good friends.” What did you think of the cameos in the Vampire Weekend video? Let us know in the comments!
Read the original:
Jake Gyllenhaal Channels John McEnroe For Vampire Weekend Video