1984 really was a brave nude world: in a nude move that would be all but impossible today, the PG-rated family film Splash splashed into theaters, complete with Daryl Hannah ‘s bare boobs and bum. 1984 was also the year that The Woman in Red received a PG-13 rating, despite a flash of full frontal nudity (and nearly two minutes of boobies) from fantasy female Kelly LeBrock . Journey further into the alternate boob tiverse of 1984 with more of Mr. Skin’s Favorite Nude Scenes of 1984 after the jump!

Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1984 [PICS]
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged after-the-jump, alternate, daryl-hannah, detected, editorial features, first-class, full-frontal, Hollywood, julia montgomery, pg-13, Sex, the-alternate, the-comic, TMZ