Tag Archives: season finales

You Need To Be Watching Scandal Again

Have you been watching Scandal this season? Because shit has been going down. I’m talking heads in a box. Death by a gold club. Presidential assassinations. President Fitz getting dragged by every black person in the cast. The sixth season of Scandal has pretty much everything you need in an hour of television. But I… Read more »

You Need To Be Watching Scandal Again

Master Of None’s Alessandra Mastronardi On Her Favorite Pasta And All Those New Instagram Followers

The ‘Master of None’ star talks about the complications of making out onscreen with one’s boss, her fresh reactions after watching the show in full, and details on the alternate season finales that Aziz Ansari ultimately scrapped

Master Of None’s Alessandra Mastronardi On Her Favorite Pasta And All Those New Instagram Followers

TV Nudity Report: Magic City, Shameless [PICS]

Starz ‘ new gangster series Magic City kicked off with the expected amount (that is, lots) of magic titties this weekend on the boob tube, making up for limp season finales for House of Lies , Californication and Spartacus and a weaker-than-expected season premiere for our Breast TV Series of 2011 , Game of Thrones . Luckily, Emmy Rossum also bared her highly lustable lactoids on the season finale of Shameless , making this week a twofer for TV nudity…and you know how we love a good pair! More after the jump!

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TV Nudity Report: Magic City, Shameless [PICS]

Showtime Does Lady Pain Just Right [Video]

Last night’s season finales of The Big C and Weeds demonstrated what HBO’s oft-wayward younger brother does best. They make compelling, if ridiculous, drama about middle class women in precarious tight spots. More

Supernatural season 5 finale preview

Sam and Bobby hug it out, and he tries to give Castiel one last lesson in being human. It#39;s not particularly successful. As for Dean… we#39;ll have to wait until Thursday night (May 13) to see that goodbye. Though we#39;re sure that even if Sam does die, he#39;ll be back for more in Season 6, we still can#39;t wait to hear what he thinks may be his last words to his big brother. “Supernatural” season finales tend to be devastating. The first season left all three Winchesters hanging by

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Supernatural season 5 finale preview

Project Runway: The End of a Line [Recaps]

Project Runway is all about vision and delusion. The vision of the final collections and the ultimate winner of the season. The delusion that we’ll remember them longer than a week. But for now, here’s to the victor! More