Tag Archives: united states of tara

What Other Political Reality Shows Do We Need? [Lists]

Sarah Palin ‘s reality show Sarah Palin’s Alaska is a big hit. Over five million tuned in for the debut! Why aren’t all politicians making money this way? Let’s run through some other possible shows starring political figures. More

Showtime Does Lady Pain Just Right [Video]

Last night’s season finales of The Big C and Weeds demonstrated what HBO’s oft-wayward younger brother does best. They make compelling, if ridiculous, drama about middle class women in precarious tight spots. More

Emmy Spotlight: Will Lea Michele Rob Toni Collette?

In today’s installment of our Emmy size-ups , Movieline inspects the heated and varied competition in the Best Actress in a Comedy Series category. Toni Collette may play Tara Gregson’s disassociating psyche with all the right blasts of exasperation and id, but can she outmatch the hungry Lea Michele, Edie Falco, and Amy Poehler? Time to rack up the odds.

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Emmy Spotlight: Will Lea Michele Rob Toni Collette?

Buried Poster: Ryan Reynolds May Appear Smaller than Actual Size

Let’s go back about three months to the snowy, chilly climes of Park City, Utah, where holy crap the Ryan Reynolds thriller Buried had Sundance audiences squirming with its concept (not to mention its execution) of an abducted American contractor in a box somewhere beneath the Iraq desert and held for ransom of $1 million. And now it’s got a nifty poster to freak out a general audience. Click through for a bigger version almost as surprising as the film’s ending. (Don’t worry — no spoilers.)

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Buried Poster: Ryan Reynolds May Appear Smaller than Actual Size

United States of Tara Smackdown: So a Princess, a Therapist and John Corbett are Locked in a Basement…

Last night’s installment of United States of Tara posed the age-old question: Would your rather be without shelter when a powerful tornado touches down in Kansas or locked in the basement of your neighbor’s suicide house as your mother/sister/wife/crazy neighbor plays dissociative identity roulette? Click through to see which of Tara’s alters took a folding a chair to the face during this week’s natural disaster and which member of the Gregson clan made it out of the basement with the least emotional damage.

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United States of Tara Smackdown: So a Princess, a Therapist and John Corbett are Locked in a Basement…

United States of Tara Smackdown: When You Are Carrying Your Landscaper’s Love Child

Patton Oswalt may not be getting much love from NBC these days but at least the comedic actor is still getting paychecks from his dysfunctional family at Showtime. Playing the best buddy of Tara’s husband Max (John Corbett) and the occasional f*ck buddy of Tara’s sister Charmaine (Rosemarie DeWitt), Oswalt’s character Neil has taken a few punts to the head this season, and after last night’s episode, “Doin’ Time,” viewers learned that the beatings will not cease anytime soon. The play-by-play on Neil’s latest twist of fate, and Tara’s latest flying clothesline to her psyche, after the jump.

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United States of Tara Smackdown: When You Are Carrying Your Landscaper’s Love Child

Watch United States of Tara Season 2 Episode 5 (S02E05) – Doin’ Time

Watch United States of Tara (USOT) 205 – Doin’ Time. Max’s violent outburst comes back to haunt him. Tara learns she is now able to be aware of what her newest alternate personality, Shoshana, does. Kate’s music video is an internet success. Marshall decides he has to break up with Courtney. The doctor gives Charmaine surprising news about her pregnancy. Watch United States of Tara 02 Continue reading

What’s On: I Oughta Be in Pictures

This week, Dancing with the Stars ‘s fast-dwindling cast takes on a cinema-related challenge. Will Chad Ochocinco and Pam Anderson read sides from Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? Will Jake Pavelka and Len Goodman recreate the FAO Schwarz piano scene from Big ? The answer will not placate you: The catalog of Diane Warren is much more likely to come into play.

See the article here:
What’s On: I Oughta Be in Pictures

Watch United States of Tara Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) – You Becoming You

Watch United States of Tara Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) – You Becoming You. In this episode as a new alter emerges, Tara seeks a new therapist; Max struggles with Buck’s infidelity; Charmaine has big news; Tara and Max disapprove of Kate’s friendship. United States of Tara follows the life of a suburban housewife with dissociative identity disorder. Watch United States of Tara Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) – You Becoming You Source: TV Shows Watch United States of Tara Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) – You Becoming You is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading