Tag Archives: the-awkwardness

Alexis Bledel Topless of the Day

ALEXIS BLEDEL SHOWED HER TITS ON MAD MEN! This is huge for the VIRGIN LOSERS who read this site…because I’ve known VIRGIN LOSERS in the past…and they all used to love the show Gilmore Girls….her claim to fame before showing her tits on Mad Men….and in being a straight man….that made no fucking sense to me…the only mom / daughter dynamic and drama in a small down I want to deal with, is watching them both choke on my dick, ideall in the same fucking motel room at the same fucking time….but VIRGIN LOSERS are a breed of their own…so this is gonna make some heads explode….cuz VIRGIN LOSERS are fans for life once they commit to an actress to fan…it’s all part of the awkwardness of VIRGIN LOSERS. Alexis Bledel must have got a set of implants…they look like implant tits to my expert implant spotting eye…not that implants are a bad thing…they save shitty tits…but cuz I like knowing if I am dealing with robot tit you can buy at the store or real tit deal…


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Alexis Bledel Topless of the Day

Some Small White Ass With Some Fat as Fuck Questlove Ass of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about Questlove. He was one of the first people to block me on twitter after I made fun of him being a bootleg Jay-Z, trying to get up in Beyonce’s sister, that already had a kid, because fat dudes, even when in successful bands, and when those bands are on TV every night, still run after the table scraps…. I do give a fuck about funny fucking videos and seeing him cross the street with this little chick in tight pants, was like watching an A&W rootbeer commercial in the early 90s. Shit’s hysterical….but probably not as hysterical as the awkwardness that happens when she tries to mount him in the bed, legs unable to really reach around his body, dick that probably splits her in half…pain and struggle worth the child support she will rake in when she tricks him to cum inside her “Of course I’m on the pill….”….. We’ve all heard that before….well I haven’t….cuz no girl in her right mind, or even in a state of crazy would let me knock her up and I’m ok with that as long as they let me try…. Groupies will fuck anything….”sure Questlove is a monster, but he’s way better than Tommy from psych class, that guys not on TV”….and sluts are sluts….always opportunists. Sometimes it is the little things that bring me joy, other times it is the very big things doing very insignificant things….like right now….good times.

Some Small White Ass With Some Fat as Fuck Questlove Ass of the Day

Miley Cyrus Wedgie Ass in Shorts of the Day

One of my favorite things for as long as I can remember is watching girls picking their wedgies…I don’t know if it is the idea of their fingers being so close to their assholes…or if it is the whole idea of their pants rubbing hard against their anus…but for some reason…wedgies are fucking porn to me….it’s the whole slapping of underwear elastics coupled with the awkwardness of how it must feel to have so much fabric wedged between your ass cheeks…that just makes it a glorious thing to watch….what makes it even better is that girls don’t even get phased by wedgies…and aren’t ashamed of them as they should be…you know there’s no…”Oh my, my pants are so far up my asshole I feel them tickling my insides, I should go handle this in the bathroom”…it’s right there, out in the open, fingers digging….and they happen in all publc places, from the grocery store, to the fanciest restaurant…. all the fucking time…it is one of society’s great pleasures…and we have human ass cheek design to thank for that…. So here’s Miley Rocking Wedgies Hard… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Miley Cyrus Wedgie Ass in Shorts of the Day

REVIEW: The Virginity Hit Misses

After a recent New York screening of the new mockumentary The Virginity Hit , cowriter/director Huck Botko (who with his partner, Andrew Gurland, also cowrote the August mockumentary The Last Exorcism ; they have a type, apparently) told the audience that he had never seen Superbad . No kidding — where Greg Mottola’s paean to the awkwardness of losing virginity felt authentic and grounded, The Virginity Hit feels forced, hollow and ultimately scattershot. Never has watching an on-screen teen trying to lose “it” seemed so empty.

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REVIEW: The Virginity Hit Misses