Here’s a new Chuck Norris fact for you: the actor is very unhappy with Barack Obama right now. In light of James Turley – a Boy Scouts of America official and CEO of the accounting firm Ernst & Young – recently stating that he planned on working to change the longtime rule that bans homosexuals from serving as Scout leaders, Norris has penned a column for Ammo Land that places the blame for this maneuver on the President’s shoulders. Running down the connections between Turley and Obama (e.g. they were just guests at a state dinner and Turley was nominated to President Obama’s Export Council in 2010) and citing the President’s support of same-sex marriage , Norris believes Turley is catering to a “pro-gay” Obama agenda. Writes/asks Norris: Hasn’t America reached a new low in its history when its president (and the honorary president of the BSA!) distances himself and his administration from the Boy Scouts of America yet invites groups such as the Secular Student Alliance to participate in its faith and college missions? Adding that he has personally “known a host of Boy Scouts, Eagle Scouts and BSA leaders,” Norris concludes that these individuals epitomize the best of America,” which seems to imply gay BSA leaders would epitomize… the worst? Where do you stand? Should gays be allowed to serve as Boy Scout leaders?
See the rest here:
Chuck Norris Accuses Obama of "Pro-Gay Boy Scouts" Policy