Tag Archives: the-eyes

You’ll Like This Song About Shia LaBeouf Being A Cannibal Almost As Much As Shia LaBeouf Does

Rob Cantor’s cannibal song, “Shia LaBeouf,” is a feast for the eyes and mind. Or at least, Shia LaBeouf thinks so.

You’ll Like This Song About Shia LaBeouf Being A Cannibal Almost As Much As Shia LaBeouf Does

Raven Symoné Comes Out: Happy She Can “Finally Get Married”

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Actress Raven Symone has joined thousands of Americans in celebrating the rights of gay and lesbian couples to become married in the eyes of the…

Raven Symoné Comes Out: Happy She Can “Finally Get Married”

Compton Female Clique: Bambi & The Lipstick Gang “Pink Bandanna” [Video]

These bad broads will be signed soon and Bambi is not too bad on the eyes either…

Continued here:
Compton Female Clique: Bambi & The Lipstick Gang “Pink Bandanna” [Video]

Compton Female Clique: Bambi & The Lipstick Gang “Pink Bandanna” [Video]

These bad broads will be signed soon and Bambi is not too bad on the eyes either…

See the rest here:
Compton Female Clique: Bambi & The Lipstick Gang “Pink Bandanna” [Video]

Zoolander 2 Needs a Eugoogoly

What a bad week for endlessly quotable, early aughts frat pack comedies. First Anchorman 2 gets shoved into a glass case of emotion, and now Ben Stiller says Zoolander 2 isn’t happening. “Ron Burgundy and Derek Zoolander looking to appear in sequels. Both men destitute, without means or intellect to fund their own comebacks.” Apparently in the eyes of Paramount, Hansel has gone from “so hot” to “so tepid.” [ @RedHourBen ]

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Zoolander 2 Needs a Eugoogoly

Mugshot Of The Year

There's something about this guy that makes you just want to forget about the whole “parole violation,” take him out for a nice meal, look him deep in the eyes, and say, “Awesome lip tattoo, dude.” View

BJ Penn Talks About "The Face"

BJ Penn reveals why the eyes are the window to the soul.

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BJ Penn Talks About "The Face"