Tag Archives: the-gargantuan

REVIEW: Toned-Down Jim Carrey Mostly Pulls Off Mr. Popper’s Penguins

There’s genius, somewhere, in the idea of casting Jim Carrey against a mini-flock of penguins: Their stiff, flapping carriage is its own kind of grace, and Carrey — when he’s not mugging, or getting whacked in the nuts with a soccer ball — is still among the most gracefully physical of actors, no matter how many dud movies he makes.

See the rest here:
REVIEW: Toned-Down Jim Carrey Mostly Pulls Off Mr. Popper’s Penguins

Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Sets Up Mysterious ‘Pottermore’ Website

Accio, intrigue! World-renowned Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has said numerous times that she would never write another Harry Potter-related book — and at least once that she would consider doing something else with the characters; thanks, Oprah — which begs the question: Is her newly launched “Pottermore” website the start of future Hogwarts adventures?

Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Sets Up Mysterious ‘Pottermore’ Website

REVIEW: Ryan Reynolds Glows Amid the 3-D Murk of Green Lantern

It’s time to save Ryan Reynolds from the comic-book blockbuster or, more broadly, from the kinds of movies that are supposed to turn young men into stars, without really allowing them to be actors. Reynolds is almost good enough to stand up to the gargantuan tower of emptiness that is Green Lantern , but he’s fighting a losing battle. Even though he’s propped up by the most powerful force in the universe — “the emerald energy of willpower,” as the movie tells us, which sounds like something you can buy in a six-pack down at the Vitamin Shoppe — there’s no way Reynolds can carry the weight of this overblown 3D folly on his shoulders. It’s not easy being green, not even for him.

See the original post:
REVIEW: Ryan Reynolds Glows Amid the 3-D Murk of Green Lantern

The Life, Legacy And (Yes) Blackness Of Teena Marie

Upon her untimely death at 54 years old , one simply cannot measure the gargantuan talent of Teena Marie — nee Mary Christine Brockert — by even the greatest of R&B standards. She was utterly unmatched; not even by the vocal dexterity of Mariah Carey, who perhaps had greater technical range, but who has to this day never quite unearthed what Marie did—a soprano-to-alto-and-back-again black soul. Marie, from her Oakland childhood days, was enamored by black spirit (she credited her dear Godmother, a black woman). For a sweet moment in time during the late 70’s through the mid 80’s, she willfully rode the effervescent rollercoaster of the post-black power collective heart without ever hopping off. She was loyal to black soulfulness. She didn’t merely dabble in black music and conveniently weave her way in and out of worlds, playing both sides of the racial fence. She didn’t talk blackness, either. Instead, she showed it… Continue reading at HelloBeautiful.com

Read the rest here:
The Life, Legacy And (Yes) Blackness Of Teena Marie