Tag Archives: the-global

Yes, They Really Do Want To Reduce The Population

Most Americans have absolutely no idea, but a very dark philosophy is spreading like wildfire among the global elite. This philosophy is an obsessive belief that humanity has become a cancer that is destroying the earth. added by: Revelation1217

This week on Vanguard: Sri Lanka: Notes from a War on Terror

Vanguard correspondent Mariana van Zeller traveled to Sri Lanka during the final days of the country's civil war to see how one of the world's most powerful insurgencies, the Tamil Tigers, was finally defeated. Vanguard Presents: Notes from a War on Terror ***Vanguard is Current TV's original documentary series


This week on Vanguard: Sri Lanka: Notes from a War on Terror

Beginning of time discovered

Scientists have seen the first starlight ever recorded, and we don't mean the first incidence of a monkey marking something down – we mean the first star to send light which reached Earth. This light is the earliest, the furthest away, the most red-shifted, and every other factor that could possibly say: “Everything else ever came after this.” The bright light is also poignant as it results from a Gamma Ray Burst, GRB 090423, meaning that this first light comes from the death of a star imploding into a neutron star or even an early black hole

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Beginning of time discovered

Surprise! Cost cutting boosts Ford’s profits to almost $1bn in 2nd quarter

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8337876.stm Ford has announced profits of almost $1bn (

Christina Aguilera Sings For Someone Elses Supper

Christina Aguilera lends her support to a new video campaign to end world hunger. Aguilera is the global spokesperson for Yum Brands World Hunger Relief effort – the largest private hunger relief effort that benefits the United Nations World Food Program.

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Christina Aguilera Sings For Someone Elses Supper

Angelina Still Saving World…And Eyeing New Jolie-Pitt?

No one is trying to diminish all the global good Angelina Jolie has done in recent years (and we’re not just talking about her contribution to the world’s collective gene…

Angelina Still Saving World…And Eyeing New Jolie-Pitt?