Tag Archives: the last word

Let Charlie Brown Be Your Valentine

Let Charlie Brown Be Your Valentine

Quickly, Let’s Name 50 Films That Can Never Be Remade and Save Their Souls

The dust has settled and it looks like they’re really going to remake Logan’s Run . With Ryan Gosling. Yep. You might remember that I mocked the original Logan’s Run the other day . I was positive we didn’t need to revisit it, actually! And yet, Logan Run ‘s bastardization is a minor loss compared to what could be. The occasion calls for a rally: Let’s name 50 movies that can’t be remade for the following reasons: 1) They’re perfect the way they are and belong in a time capsule; 2) they will seem grotesque in a 2011 update. Please add your own. Together, we can save some lives.

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Quickly, Let’s Name 50 Films That Can Never Be Remade and Save Their Souls

Quickly, Let’s Name 50 Films That Can Never Be Remade and Save Their Souls

The dust has settled and it looks like they’re really going to remake Logan’s Run . With Ryan Gosling. Yep. You might remember that I mocked the original Logan’s Run the other day . I was positive we didn’t need to revisit it, actually! And yet, Logan Run ‘s bastardization is a minor loss compared to what could be. The occasion calls for a rally: Let’s name 50 movies that can’t be remade for the following reasons: 1) They’re perfect the way they are and belong in a time capsule; 2) they will seem grotesque in a 2011 update. Please add your own. Together, we can save some lives.

Quickly, Let’s Name 50 Films That Can Never Be Remade and Save Their Souls

Glee Preview: Are You a Belieber?

Glee Preview: Are You a Belieber?

Video: Bill O’Reilly Uses Hidden Sympathy Reserve on Lindsay Lohan

The Winklevi Can’t Decide If The Social Network Made Them Look Good

What is Charlie Sheen Really Trying to Say in His Press Release?

As you might have heard, Charlie Sheen has released a statement about his recent drug-and-porn binge and the subsequent rehab that has shut down production on the megahit Two and a Half Men . While it’s pretty obvious to anyone observing the situation that Sheen is anything but sorry, the actor did make a vague attempt to explain his plan to correct the situation. Actually, no — this might be the most cryptic press release in the history of press releases. As a service, Movieline has translated and annotated Sheen’s official statement where possible:

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What is Charlie Sheen Really Trying to Say in His Press Release?

Watch the John 3:16 Commerical That the Super Bowl Rejected