Tag Archives: the-mechanism

Sourcing Sustainable Fabrics in India Just Got Easier (Video)

Fashion sourced with Shared Talent India. Photo: Kerry Dean Made in India? More than 40% of fashion in the UK has been produced in India and nearly one third of the country’s people live below the poverty line. The Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF) at London College of Fashion has launched Shared Talent India , to help designers and… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Sourcing Sustainable Fabrics in India Just Got Easier (Video)

Turniture: The Chool Turns from a Stool To A Chair

TreeHugger founder Graham Hill is trying to radically reduce his footprint and live happily with less space, less stuff and less waste on less money, but with more design. He calls it “LifeEdited.” You can help: Enter the design competition and win up to $70,000 in prizes and possibly design the apartment! The Chool might fit in a LifeEdited; James Lucas of Slam designed it so that it sits like a stool, not taking up much room, until you sit on it. This action causes the mechanism ins… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Turniture: The Chool Turns from a Stool To A Chair

To Cap or Not to Cap (and Trade)?

Photo via Eco Friendly Mag That is the, well, you know. I just finished reading the lively (and aggravating) debate on cap and trade hosted by Salon last week, and it reminded me of what dire straits we’re in when it comes to US climate change policy. Many feel that cap and trade is the best option available to limit carbon emissions, and, yes, there are reasons why many others have legitimate concerns with such a system. But in an ideological debate over the mechanism’s merits — especially … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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To Cap or Not to Cap (and Trade)?