Tag Archives: the next three days

Alec Baldwin Endorses Wegmans Plus 5 More Strange Celebrity Advertisements

This new series of commercials for the grocery store chain Wegmans begins like any other low-budget, locally produced ad you might see on daytime television…until Alec Baldwin pops up, hanging out with the employees and singing the praises of the chain’s deals with unbridled enthusiasm. And they are brilliant. But Baldwin is not the first celebrity to show up in a baffling advertisement. Today, Movieline takes a look at the Wegmans spots, then fondly remembers five other advertisements where the celebrity appearances make almost zero sense.

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Alec Baldwin Endorses Wegmans Plus 5 More Strange Celebrity Advertisements

Weekend Forecast: Harry Potter Ain’t Leaving Here Without His $130+ Million

Happy Friday! Time to get out of the house and face the next to last day you’ll ever have your face violently rubbed in the opening of a Harry Potter movie. It’s not as bad a scenario as it sounds, to be honest — unless you’re Russell Crowe and/or Paul Haggis, in which case, well, maybe think about sleeping in. Let’s get to the forecast…

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Weekend Forecast: Harry Potter Ain’t Leaving Here Without His $130+ Million

Elizabeth Banks on The Next Three Days, Prison Panic and Sympathy for Demi Lovato

Elizabeth Banks is terrified of going to prison. The self described “goody two shoes” knows that anyone is just one little moment away from an event — she cites Brandy’s traffic accident as an example — that can mutate into something far more sinister, changing the course of a person’s life forever.

The rest is here:
Elizabeth Banks on The Next Three Days, Prison Panic and Sympathy for Demi Lovato

Buzz Break: Russell Crowe’s Mind is the Scene of the Crime

The Next Three Days Trailer: Russell Crowe, Liam Neeson and Elizabeth Banks Remember Pittsburgh Exists

You don’t see a lot of movies set in Pittsburgh, huh? Mysteries of Pittsburgh , Wonder Boys and, um, that’s about it. (Thank goodness for the books of Michael Chabon, right?) So three cheers (and rivers) for Paul Haggis’ The Next Three Days , the movie destined to put Pittsburgh on the Hollywood map… by giving Russell Crowe and Liam Neeson some terrible accents.

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The Next Three Days Trailer: Russell Crowe, Liam Neeson and Elizabeth Banks Remember Pittsburgh Exists