Tag Archives: the-pedophile

Jason Biggs Leaky Tits of the Day

In what is probably the worst possible way to celebrate the birth of your new kid…that is already damaged thanks to being cut from Jason Biggs’ DNA cloth….is to have your wife, attention seeking, low level actress who never made it because she made it with Jason Biggs, post some leaky tits on her social media, something she takes seriously, because she’s really only a social media personality, like a dude’s chick, always busting jokes and being funny while being fuckable, which is why he married her…but I’m not into it…but I can never turn my back on a lactaction picture…I’m a feminist like that. The post Jason Biggs Leaky Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

See the article here:
Jason Biggs Leaky Tits of the Day

Elizabeth Gillies Halloween Costume of the Day

Who the fuck is Elizabeth Gilles and why am I posting her fishnets like they matter…because they don’t. She’s some Disney star, probably molested in the pedophile ring… whore by her parents, now on Dynasty, a very terrible fucking show, I’ve seen a minute of it and had to shut that fucking down….it’s so bad… I guess guys find her hot and jerk off to her…because guys are perverts and jerk off to everything…his doesn’t quite hit the mark for me… The post Elizabeth Gillies Halloween Costume of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

See the article here:
Elizabeth Gillies Halloween Costume of the Day

Posing with a stepGIRL with Headblade of the Day

For those of you who wanted more of me to masturbate to, your dreams have been answered…you know put a little mask to these words you get boners for…because I posed with my girl MACBUD in a shoot by Julien Archembeault …with a hairy mask and a dream motherfuckers..a dream I could stare into this #stepGIRLS sheer panties til the end of fucking time… We’re posing with HEADBLADE …because we like head…blade…dripping off our faces… I’m talking about the pre-shave, shave, and after shave creams…you pervert… HEADBLADE … makes being a balding awkward dude far cooler..cuz girls actually find a shaved head hotter than the pedophile receding / thinning hairline you’re rocking… So do it for the girls, and maybe they’ll let you see your vagina like they were a #stepGIRL…but I doubt it…hot fucking times… If you’re bald or balding, or if you know someone who is bald or balding GET THIS because Rosie Huntington Whitely likes shaved heads…and this makes shaved heads easy to have…

See the rest here:
Posing with a stepGIRL with Headblade of the Day